I know I could have included these in the other post, but I like to make posts of 2, that way the replies are more specific to the screenshots. CQB is my newest screenshot, I think it's just ok, but wanted to see what you guys thought. Blood is older, but I'm starting to like it more and more. Blood: CQB: Download Blood Download CQB
Can I haz Reconz!??@! I'm sorry, I felt that was the right moment. They're amazing, The first one reminds me of those movies when the person gets shot and just stands there for a couple seconds then slowly falls. I think the CQB is trying to sneak into the girls locker room I like the CQB the most, but both are 10/10
Blood looks awesome with all the... blood and CQB has a nice back ground. My favorite on the other hand would have to be Blood.
Blood looks better, because of ... Better looking armor Great lighting (I like how you lit up the spartan) Cool looking background (and with blood :happy:!) CQB looks super sneaky in that picture, lol. I like how the spartan's visor is split into two colors by the background.