Isn't that from Live Free or Die Hard? You plagiarizer. Here's a guide on how to hack computers, courtesy of Uncyclopedia. Finding A Hack Target _________________________________________________ Finding a hack target is rather simple. Go to your workplace or school and find a website that all the annoying people talk about. After you find a website that you are beginning to despise just because of the amount of people talking about it, proceed to find the address of the website. Hacking Methods _________________________________________________ After you find the hackee's adress, go to that place with a dandy weapon. Weapons that would work well are: * An axe. * A sword. * Almost anything pointy. When you find the best way into the building, find the main server, and "hack" it. Ways to hack it are: * Chopping the server into tiny pieces. * Going for the "loud and proud" method. * Take it apart and scatter the peices around the building.
ummm, while I was out the room one of my mates went on uumm, certain sites... cough, whaich I didnt know about untill my older sister confronted me 3 days later. Or, theres a certain order of keys on the keyboard u press to change the colours to the colour blind setting - basically the background is black on every document and the rest is yellow, purple and light blue - me and a friend did this once to all the CP's in my middle school and they had to ring a computer guy to fix them all
which one do you guys think i should do that isn't something she'd blame me for. cause she knows im out to get her...and her computer ha.
I once turned all my schools computers display upside down my teacher could not figure out how to reverse it that was a funny day.
I almost forgot about the Blue Screen of Death Screensaver! Just run it and unplug the keyboard. Simple as that.
If somebody did that to me I would be soooo pissed.. I already had the Blue screen O' death. It's a great idea all the same
Send your friends this link. Then laugh at their futile attempts to escape from the page... hint- DON'T CLICK IT. -Klink
make a shortcut, call it "shutdown -s -t 0" then make it look like a folder (right click > Properties > Customize > Change Icon) and call it something weird.
Create an aim account and im your friend offering them a big deal with Once there hopes are up tell them you are joking and that it is just you. Mean but cruel.