Well I have two pics that I thought look cool so I thought I would put them on here this is my first thread so if I did any thing wrong let me know 1. 2. plz rate 1-5
yeah, the first one isn't all that great because theres no action whatsoever. looks like a suit of armor on the wall caught fire. the pose in the second one looks pretty sweet tho
Yeah the first one isn't that amazing, just hayabusa on fire as The Spartan III said. 2/5 I love the second one, looks like one half of evil or something, very nice. 4.5/5 Also you need to but the Bungie.net links to them.
Gonna have to agree. Super easy to get and you can barly see anything let alone the spartan posing... I dont know what you other guys are talking about.. Sorry 1/5 1/5
Well I think they did good mainly because all I did was got killed in FFA by a nade thx for the comments and it is supposed to be a lot of light were you can barley see him.
they are way too hard to see. try making it a little darker and move away from the explosions. Its too bright.
First one- Much better than the second one but still WAY too bright so try and tone it down so I'll give it a 2.8/5 Second one- Just way too bright you can't even see the real spartan at all inside that bright mess. Again try and tone down the lighting on your shots, 1.9/5.