Foundry Aquarius

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Loscocco, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Supports gametypes: FFA/Team Slayer, Oddball, KOTH
    Recommended Players: 6-8 players

    After my maps "Dangnation" and its V2 didnt come out too well, I created this map. This is a slight remake of the classic Halo CE map- "Damnation" that has been remade with newer halls, deletion of certain halls, weapon changing. All started over from the beginning.

    The backround of the map is: a Hydro-facility outside of Voi that purified water for the diseased residents. Taken over, this factory was used as a fighting ground when the Covenant took over and cut off all water supply that the humans had. The name "Aquarius" refers to the Horoscope for the "water bearer" of Pisces.

    This map has almost every forge technique in the book. Gameplay is sleek and smooth. Geomerged and Interlocked on almost every box and is completely impossible to escape- as a human to my knowledge- all walls touch invisible ceiling and walls are geomerged tight. It even includes death barriers such as these:
    these are rows of three bridges that have been geomerged halfway into the ground, the teleporters act as death barriers that bring you outside of the death barrier of Foundry to create the death of heights. The overturned mancannons are for effect (seeing that this is a hydro facility) the mancannons add a blue light to anyone in the area, it does not affect gameplay.
    The map has three stories. The main water pumping area on bottom, the two main floors, and the construction zone(all walls, signs)

    shotgun bridge:
    The Pit:
    Defenders side:(team games) (teleporter leads to construction zone)
    defenders side to middle:

    Attackers side:

    The weapons have different spawn times to balance gameplay. The better the weapon, the longer the spawn.
    Weapons List:

    Assault Rifle x4
    Battle Rifle x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Needler x2
    Spiker x2
    Sniper Rifle x1
    Rocket Launcher x1

    i hope you like it!​
  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Looks like a very great remake of "Damnation" and all but I have a list for some things you could change to make people LOVE it!

    If you have any questions on how to do some of these things, please ask me for assistance:
    • Geomerge the teleporters into the ground so that you cannot see them
    • Fix the crooked stair in picture #9
    • Smoothen out the double box walls
    Other than those three things, this map looks really good! I will make sure to download and play as soon as possible!

    4/5 for now just because the map would look much neater if the teleporters were geomerged, and I haven't seen the gameplay.
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Yes, i did try to geomerge the teleporters, but they went too far in and made it so that people could roam around in that area and make jumps for glitches. There was too much free space when the teleporters went into the ground and people could go under bridges and get past the teleporters.

    and the double box walls are all very smooth and straight, the lighting of Foundary just makes some walls a different shade of green than others, which makes the walls look slightly uneven.
    Regardless, I will be creating a V2 to this, but I need more peoples opinions.
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    he map looks good as far as aesthetics go but im a little confused about the layout.
    my only complaint that could mess up the game play would be that some of the fence boxes are a little uneven looking(ex in the 2nd last pic)
    good work tho, maybe you could make a layout in paint and post it in the thread so people lke me could understand what you made.
    3/5 from what i can see, ill dl and give it a shot
  5. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    uneaven? its a ramp.... its slanted....its to get to the top floor.
  6. i am SeMpLe

    i am SeMpLe Ancient
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    dude looks like a great map is the gameplay any good?
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    yes. The map is good for 6-8players in either FFA or Team Slayer, Oddball, Kink of the Hill. weapons are balanced and the map plays like it isnt even Foundary and its a brand new map.
  8. JakeyFreeHa

    JakeyFreeHa Ancient
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    Qued for download... some of the ramps that lead up look like the may be awefuly bumpy but i'll be back later with a review... but i really like the layout
  9. JakeyFreeHa

    JakeyFreeHa Ancient
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    after playing this i found many flaws in the merging. I found myself constantly bouncing due to uneven floors, stairs, and ramps, all of which ruins gameplay. On the top. in picture number 3 you can't even walk over the A and B signs you must jump... again there were more things wrong but those were the biggest. it was cool that you tried to remake damnation though, it is one of my fav maps... 2/5
  10. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    this looks a great map i love the aesthetics and if u fix up those little problems like conkerkid said u could possibly have a feature on ur hands :D

  11. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    sorry about all broken pictures. Hard Drive for comp cleaned out, includes pictures saved to Photobucket, and im not at an xbox.
    but a V2 will come out.

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