Battle of Yorktown Machinima Project *Slots Still Available: 14 **Time of Recording: 6:00 PM EST, Thursday February 5th Setup Gametype - FFA Team Slayer with special armor colors based on rank (cooperation required since this is FFA) Weapons - Battle Rifle and Magnum starts. Commanders spawn next to Mauler (only they can pick up weapons) which will be swapped with the BR Map - A Custom Variant of Valhalla Characters and Color Schemes -Patriots & French Forces --1. Maj. General Marquis de Lafayette (Primary = Blue, Secondary = Pale, Detail = Silver) --2-6. Patriot Light Infantry Soldiers (Primary = Steel, Secondary = Blue, Detail = Any Color) --7-8. French Light Infantry Soldiers (Primary = Cobalt, Secondary = White, Detail = Gold) -British Forces --9. Brig. General Charles O'Hara (Primary = Red, Secondary = Steel, Detail = Gold) --10-16. British Light Infantry Soldiers (Primary = Red, Secondary = White, Detail = Red) Submission Forum*** Example *Participants must be able to follow directions, if you can't then you'll be booted and the whole filming session may be postponed **Time of recording is dependent on the availability of participants and is subject to change ***Must be filled out to participate in recording
Despite scheduling being uncertain, you should really post a date, or at least a time frame, otherwise people may sign up and might be unavailable for the day you finally decide to "film"
Sure, I'll help you. Do actors get put in credits? - Gamer Tag:RampaginFetus - Preferred Slot/Position:9. Brig. General Charles O'Hara (Primary = Red, Secondary = Steel, Detail = Gold) - Availability:Anytime after 6:00 central time
I did but some people *cough*Linu*cough* didn't read the footnotes and got confused thinking they couldn't make it. EDIT: I added you to the list fetus, and yes you'll get in the credits.
I'd suggest not making a 16 person machinima. The lag can get intense at some times, and because you would have 16 people in a Halo lobby, there would be much talking and it is just too hard to work under those circumstances. You do know that a Xbox Live Party is only 8 players, correct? Good luck anyways
I can haz time zone? 6:00pm means nothing when you're posting on a forum accessible from anywhere in the world. Good luck with the film and choreographing 16 players!