This map was incredible! I downloaded, and was just so amazed! 5/5 I especially liked how you made every box perfect, it seemed Flawless! If only it was playable.
This kind of stuff more than anything else is making me look forward to the new forge canvas that Bungie's supposed to be releasing. It's obvious that the current shortcomings of forge are preventing you from reaching your true potential. I'd love to see what you could create when given actual legitimate resources to draw from. The map is gorgeous of course, but I was a little thrown off by your decision to put a bridge on the incline leading down the rows of seats. It looks just like any other everyday ramp, the kind we've all seen a hundred times before on Foundry. To me the incline looks a lot nicer without the bridge on top. The two ramps underneath have a much more distinctive look than an ordinary bridge. Putting that bridge on top also hides the interlocking between the ramp and the seats. It looks as if the bridge is just resting against the seats, not actually sitting flat on something. Draws the eye away from the remarkable interlocking that the viewer should be focused on. Don't get me wrong, what you made here is fantastic. It looks totally unique, like it was built on a canvas that no one else has access to. But then you've got that bridge hiding away a cool part of your map. It just sticks out to me.
You know im getting quite fed up of people complaining about that bridge. it is fine and is in keeping with the map. The reason its that way around is because of how the bridge inclines to give a smooth surface whilst walking upon. Try it yourself. There is no bump because of it. yes i had originally intended to use the two ramps underneath alone. Their surface however was bumpy and unproffesional. I placed the bridge over and i achieved my purpose. I thought it went well with the map because you could see the ramps protruding from underneath giving it a unique look.
Would you mind if I created and posted a infection varient of this map? I would most definitely give you credit for such as amazing base. I ask this because I have an idea for a gametype that would just need a few changes to the map. And those I could handle, despite my inability to interlock objects.
Nice map. This is purely great. 5/5. You should really release a v2 so that it is playable (add things like more corridors, rooms, balcony or landing pad maybe) I think it looks nicer the way it is because it looks more like steps this way.
I am planning a v2 but with the new maps. If you look at the amphitheatres steps you will see just how many objects it takes to make it. Interlocking comes at a high price. My maps are just getting smaller with avalanche at the moment
Val this is amazing, all the time you put into this truely shows. i love how you took a room from a book and made a map out of it. 5/5
Sweet map I'm making a Machinima (as in I have the prologue up on Youtube,) I'll use this map maube and if I do I'll credit you
This looks truly awesome i must admit, the only thing with aesthetic maps is that they aren't playable. Regardless of playability that first screen shot is a great introduction and looks truly epic, well done.
Dude, this is amazing. I bow down to you. I love the first screen shoot, it looks exactly like amphitheatre. 5/5, please make more aesthetics!
Onee question..? can i have your babiess. Dude i lovee this map. It is wonderfully interlocked and geomerged, and looks amazing. it looks exactly like a theatre type of thing. I really love this map, but is it actually playable. If it is, then i see a feature coming your way. Will DL. 6/5
Wow... just... Wow... This may have been the best aesthetic map I have ever seen. Everything looks perfect... How long did this take you? I would never have the patience to do something like that. Anyway, 5/5, I am certainly going to download this. Keep up the good work, Val!
This is amazing... Does it have a specific gametype? And you should put a layout over view to show the full map.