And BECAUSE someone got my last one...(Alec944) AAARRGHHH) I will now show 2 harder ones like I promised. Rules Name the location and map name. This one. This one.(Note-you can only TRULY win if you find at least 4 of the signs on the map!) If these ones get found as fast, I'll have to try a lot harder next time...
Map: The map with that one red sign with a bullet on it. Location on map: The place really close to the place with the red sign with the bullet on it. I got it! CAKE ME!
Shut up wiggum umm lemme guess... last resort at the one sniper spot... forget what they call it... camp froman, that's it
yea. im pretty sure alec is right- its the pit in one of the sniper spawns. pretty cool though. have you ever seen the pics with the man running has a no sign around it? dont rush and the one that says "TRASH"? those are cool- try finding signs that relate to noobs!
Congrats Alec944 is correct! Now, I will put 1 normal and 1 difficult signs up. Lol didn't think this was one was going to be great just because it's in a location you see all the time...
Hope it's not too late to guess on the two new ones, (the electric and food one,) but aren't they on Blackout in the rec room both near the ramp leading to B3 and next to the fusion coil? Hope that I answered right. EDIT: Sorry didn't realize you wanted four locations for each, Electrical Sign: (All on Blackout) 1. One in the Rec Room near the where the fusion coil is leading up to to B3, 2. In the shotgun room near the floor where shotty spawns, 3. In the right pocket if you facing shotgun from bottom lift, 4. B1, on the back left wall (facing from sniper.) No eating sign, (actually I found five of these.): 1. Same location as Number One above, 2. Same location as as Number Two above, 3. Same location as Number Three above, 4. In B2 near the door leading to the ramp that connects B1 to B3, 5. One in Suicide Room on the door coming in from Bottom-Mid Sorry if that is confusing as hell, if you want I could always take pictures of where I'm talking about.
The second one is on blackout in the room where you drop down like into a server room thing and before you go out the door it is on the left.