Awsome idea i would totally love to design my own armor as i like to use photochop i know a thing or two. i put yes
quality idea- im sick of pratically every1 wearing the Hayabusa armour- it makes u look perfetic and everyone thinks it looks good. Personally, whenever i replace any part of my armour to Hayabusa i become cursed and i always do badily afterwards for some reason
i know, and i wanna actually be able to make my own emblem with a customized pic and backround too.......
be funny if u could do weight- u could make yourself clinically obease making u invulnerable to splatters or summit lol
They already let you interchange LOTS of parts for your armor, they even have Elite armor. That's enough, and Bungie has already stated its enough. But if somehow, someway, a miracle happened and they could do it, it would be spectacular. People's imagination and creativity would show, not just through making maps, but designing your armor.
I admit it would be very cool, but really, your armor has absolutely no effect on your gameplay or the amount of fun you would have when playing. Bungie had a hard enough time getting Halo 3 to play off a disk, the game doesn't need another chunk of editing software bogging it down.
It would be amazing if you could edit parts of the amour so say you could have like 20 different visor pieces and 20 different helmet pieces it would make the game much more unique and give you a real identity.
And I wanna have a SMG that shoots rockets, and an Assault Rifle that shoots Spartan Lasers. And my plasma pistol should fart Elephants. Why are you people never satisfied? Deal with what you've got, don't keep asking for more, you ungrateful child.
yea, its like when a step son takes a shower, u say he wastes water, but when he doesnt, he is dirty. thats the way bungie looks at u greedy people. and lazuarus, those r called MODS.
That'd be an awesome idea, but the lag would be horrible. And how would we create them? No offense, Forge is an amazing tool, but it's not exactly 'precise'.
I realize that. Generally, the first mod people will do is similar to those. Completely outrageous, totally unfeasible, and way too overpowered. But it's what these people want, so it's gonna happen if they made the game.
lol, im not asking for happy with the game, im just saying it would hypethetically be cool......
I don't think it would be a good idea, because a few things. #1: People could play with their armor showing something inappropriate and not get banned or warned until after they have played a few games. #2: Part of #1, that parents after hearing or seeing their children play with that kind of person would not want them to play, and even though I know the 8 - 12 year olds can be really anoying while playing, they make up a big part of the Halo community and that community would go down by a large ammount. #3: Some skins could contain viruses and since its not like you can just see the skins because you would have to download the skins from them (which brings up my next point) and RROD or some other unknown viruses or defects could spread across the gaming community. #4: Downloading the skins from the persons hard-drive wouldn't take too long hopefully and that doesn't seem too bad, but if you are playing Big Team Battle, lots of people would be downloading just one skin at a time and that would slow down the downloading process for others and it would probably take about 10 minutes before the games even started. #5: You would probably have to know how to make very well put together sprites for the models you make AND the models in particular need something like 3DS Max and Photoshop which not many people have. Not to be hatin or anything, the idea is a good one. But those factors just make it kinda a bad idea.
it would be so friggin sweetness but as you said it would take for EVER to change it and everytihng but it would be kool to see what people come up with!