Global Warming

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ferretness, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    I would say i believed that global warming was caused by man- however i need to look up some of these - facts, especially about the one about making us buy products

    In any case- i h8 anyone who tries to deter people from cutting down on CO2 emmisions- polls like this confuses people - US Gov has tried everythin in their power to falsly lead people so they can keep drillin new oil fields and that profit goes into their back pockets. And now that cause of action is biting them in v ass right now.

    Wether or not we are causing GW is another matter, the fact is CO2 emmisions are clearly causing the green house effect changing planet temp- and if this temp continues to serge by a few degrees we'll have apocolapse on earth and good new chapter in the floors of humankind
  2. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    I don't see a problem with using a little bit of nickel so you can re-use the energy your car is producing, and save gas. Using a gas guzzling 13 mpg hummer doesn't seem to be helping out the enviroment from burning alll the fossil fuels. I would like to see a link that says that driving a hummer is better than a hybrid.
  3. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    He said it would kill the economy, not the environment, read

    The cost to produce hybrid automobiles is huge in the short term.
    It only decreases pollution in the longterm, and even so, by little, this change would only take place in major countries like America and China, but what about 3rd world countries, they couldnt afford this change.

    The money could be better spent on other ways to decrease CO2 emitions.
  4. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    sorry, I'll make sure to read twice next time.
  5. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    Ok, you contradict yourself. you say that even if it isn't happen we should stop it (hows that logic?)

    And Hybrid cars, green fuels, gas efficient this and thats, its not hard to see what they want us to buy


    I misstyped, it is terrible for the environment to make hybrid cars absolutely horrible, that is why it is better to drive a hummer, and please don't post another "I don't see whats wrong with having a little nickel" comment. Look up some facts so that you can actually support your opinion, instead of just making arbitrary assumptions.

    I'm sad this thread has gone downhill fast since shock left. I'd like to see some sources and facts guys. I mean I should have more too but as I am arguing a negative the burden of proof doesn't lie on my shoulders so its not that bad., and for god sakes the next person to spam this with "I think man is causing Global warming" or "Well the question is are we causing it" will be killed.
  6. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    oh, so its not a thread to right down what u feel about how we are buggering up the planet but just to simply put statistics down. I put down even if it IS or ISNT caused by man. Meaning I know damb well Global warming is happening. Im no scientist who is going to give u all the most pin point accurate information im summing up to arguments 1. by govenrments and paid scientists to make a statement that its a simple fluctuation caused by sun spots - so no need to worry its going to go soon and everything is going to go back to normal 2. People like Al'Gore predicting whats going to happen 10,20 or 30 years down the line and predicting it very well to what I can see. Oh and btw - what products has our governments tried to make us buy IN THE PAST - past tense
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    HP this is an organised conversation. Your opinion is free, but you have to support it with facts, otherwise it may aswell be spam.
  8. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    As I was sayin, im no expert, however, ive seen countless documentaries and shows about it. If you watch Al' Gors "Inconvient Truth" I would say that the facts and figures in that film are pretty bullet proof. Theres that part when he shows levels of CO2 on a chart. Before 20th Century (or around there), levels of CO2 are well below what they are now- industrial revolution kicks in and bam, levels of CO2 from burning Coal + Oil go up way above the average amount before. If this simple understanding that CO2 emmissions cause the green house effect keeping in sunlight thus causing temp to go up can be contradicted im all ears. Other factors "could" be adding to global warming but none the less, humanity burning fossil fuels are a definant factor in this cycle. But then again im all ears to anyone wanting to contradict the equation - Man + burning of CO2 = Greed house effect
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    In the prehistoric era CO2 levels were huge. Around 90% of the air was CO2, now it is around 2% (from memory)

    The world was fine then..

    And what about the fact that we are nearing the end of an ice age, the ice is suppost to melt.

    We cant deny that the CO2 emisions have risen because of us. But we can question weather or not this will actually be a bad thing. Who knows.


    Also, the lack of time you spent in writing that out really wont help you out when shock and Ferett gets here.

    Man+CO=Greenhouse effect?

    1. wtf is CO, its fossil fuels, that release carbon dioxide when burned.
    2. Do you even know what the greenhouse effect is? Many people know the word but not its meaning.
  10. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    right, i personally cant be bothered with this now, im no scientist, im only 17 doing my A-S levels. This is everything off the top of my head ok.

    CO is carbon monoxide found usually in gas leaks. Sorry last post had a typo should have been CO2.

    Greenhouse effect is when green house gases such as CO2, methane, water vapour, nitrous oxide and ozone are released into the atmoshphere causing a greenhouse layer. When sun rays in the form of infrared radiation reflect off the earth surface (mainly around the poles), they are bounced back into space. However, the Greenhouse effect causes the rays to be re-radiated in the greenhouse layer sending them back to the earths surface increasing global temperatures. Adding to this, as rain forests are cut down, less CO2 can be taken out of the Biosphere and as the wood either decomposes or is used after for burning, the trapped CO2 within the plants are further released into the atmosphere. CO2 can also be absorbed by the worlds Oceans in the hydrosphere through the ionisation method. However, the worlds seas are becoming to filled with CO2 and will eventually be unable to cope with the greater increase.

    - so there you go, the reason why we are directly involved with the global warming and why the planet cant cope with the changes we are making.
  11. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    Are we talking about economies? No I was talking about pollution. How about the economy takes a hit from less gas purchases than completely going down the shitter because there in no more gas. It is non-renewable there is an end to the supply.
  12. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    I'm just gonna give a little bit of a chemistry lesson here, CO is carbon monooxide, because it is 1 carbon bonded with a single (mono) oxygen. Carbon Dioxide is 1 carbon bonded with 2 oxygens... Not that this is really on topic, but I felt like saying that... LOl.

    More ON-TOPIC, I don't really know the science behind this, so I'm not sure I have anything to add... but I like debating. What I would say is, humans have added to the problem with pollution and creating the greenhouse effect, but I don't think we have caused global warming... now, you can dissagree with me (I have no clue what I am talking about) but I beleive that the Earth has gone through ice ages and global warmings before humans/ pollutants were here. I don't know what effect it will have on us, but the Earth will survive. Doesn't the Earth go through regular cycles of ice-ages and melting? PLease correct me/ call me an idiot if I am... lol.
  13. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    I agree.

    Also, i think it has been proven just lately that plants take in more CO2 when there is more present. I could be wrong, but i heard it on somewhere. They are looking into this greatly.

    Also, i think people are taking this a little too far. They dont realise that there is a million other ways that humanity could end other than this.

    The only reason that the media publisise this is because this is a way that we could stop, rather than an asteroid tearing our plannet apart.
  14. Keegano

    Keegano Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    i dont really care i will be lkike 80 by the time its so hot on the earth that you throw water outside it turns into flame..haha
  15. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    That makes no sense, clearly you havnt read a word from the past 5 pages or organised discussion.

    Your post would have had more purpose if you wrote 'spam'

    This thread is pretty much dead, it should have been made in the premium forum.
  16. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming: The Truth

    Moved to premium section on request of OP.

  17. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat)

    Nice move. Especially since it follow's Vinny's idea.
  18. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat)

    Is anyone prepared to continue this discussion?
  19. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat)

    Yes the Earth goes through regular cycles of Ice-Ages. Few people know but the world is in an ice age right now, its a temperate ice age. Not the kind of stuff you hear about. In a temperate ice age all of the ice recedes to the poles and much of the world is...well...temperate. This recent warming could be do to the fact that the ice age is due to end soon, it could also mean nothing as the climate varies quite often.

    We are talking about pollution, it is much better for the economy to drive hybrid cars, much less so for the environment

    Actually the general reason that this is such a popular and hot topic is becuase if it were true it would have the potential to drastically change our world in a few hundred years (though not nearly as much as Al Gore says it will [on that note Al Gore is an idiot, no one should ever watch that movie it has bogus science])

    No, the media publicizes it becuase it is the "big" thing now, before they publicized Y2K, and before that "Global Cooling" wow...sounds familiar...

    Anyway even if we were causing Global Warming there is nothing we could do about it. Any significant change would require all industrialized countries to lower oil and coal consumption by really think anyone is going to do that?
  20. frigoc1

    frigoc1 Ancient
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    Re: Global Warming (Moved from General Chat)

    u know wat i h8? i h8 when all these environmentalists, who say that we need to stop polluting cause of global warming, drive around in their cars and trucks wasting lots of gas and causing alot of pollution, and then go and protest that we pollute too much.....if they were so environmental-friendly, why don't they ride bikes everywhere?

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