Trumpet and Horn (Horn = French horn) Because I play trumpet and I want to go back to playing Horn. Go brass section! You could learn a thing or two from Frag Man. I bet that seems ironic to some of you, but classical/orchestral is powerful stuff. I'm not trying to start a genre war, just saying that many of the best pieces are orchestral.
Maybe its just because i play the instrument, and i like the whole jazz sound. So im going to say Trumpet
Yealh, swing, jazz, and latin are my favourites. I keep open to other things though. Should've called this thread "What instrument do you play (the best)"
Trumpet players unite!!! I play it..... LOL my director loves our section. We just roll the way we want but get the job done. And we literally can out sound the entire band.
Bass. Quite often underrated, and most of the time unnoticed, but bass is a huge part of any actual band. I will give an example or two of MY personal favorite songs regarding bass, not that am trying to make any of you listen or enjoy them... merely putting them out there for those who are curious. "dull boy" by mudvayne "hook up and cook up a couple" by BML [friends of mine]
^ "Evil" by Interpol used to be pretty big, and its intro is pretty recognized. Not the best song, but the base sticks out. I'd say my favorite instrument would have to be the piano. I play guitar and you can do some wicked **** on it, but the piano opens up much more possibilities. It's hard to explain the feeling, but piano just sounds better in my opinion.
I play drums so drums or acoustic guitar. There is some crazy stuff you can do with an acoustic guitar.
My favorite instrument has to be the Euphonium. Mainly because I play it. My private teacher plays it so well though, and I want to play like that someday. Although the theramin is extremely cool.
tsb, that's your band? I've got to listen to more of your stuff. That track hooked me in. My favourite instrument is the piano - I play it, I find them fascinating, beautiful and there's something about a master pianist playing in concert that inspires me beyond all else.