Microsoft May Be Ready to Steal more Exclusives from Sony

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EpicFishFingers, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    By that reasoning you should hate Microsoft, lol.

    Have you had the RRoD yet?

    I say "yet" because we all know its inevitable...unless you've purchased a newer system.
  2. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I wouldn't say it's inevitable, but do you know anyone that ditched their 360 and bought a PS3 after they got the RRoD? I know someone who did it after he got 7 RRoDs, but after one or two, no-one would leave Xbox. Hell, after 1000 Xboxes, I wouldn't buy a PS3. I haven't got any lights on my Xbox yet, apart from one red light when the HDD wasn't on properly. Silly mistake of my friend. I beat him up so he wouldn't touvh my Xbox again ^^

    Also it's worth saying, PS3s fail too. They get something called the YLOD: Yellow Light Of Doom. It's much less common, but much worse than the RRoD. YouTube it.
  3. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    That's an interesting argument. I know that Blue-Ray looks absolutely amazing, but better games? Better interaction? Better community? I know that the PS3's version of Xbox Live sucks, but what really proves that either is better?
  4. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Actually, from the video game repair shops around my city, they say the ones that have the most problems are the newer ones. I got mine a bit after it's release and I've never had a problem yet, well, except for the Hi-Def not working, but my TV sucks so that doesn't really matter. All of those places told me to never ever buy an Elite. I guess it's a 3-1 ratio of problems compared to the regular system. They said one guy who goes there has brought his in over 20 times... Sounds painful.
  5. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I got RROD, yay! Right when Halo 3 came out it was, I was not happy, but I got over it (Or did I? *Sobs*)

    I never had a PS1, I was an N64/Snes Fanboy (Ironic, since I'm no fan of the Gamecube or the Wii). I had a PS2 though, and you know what, it collected dust the instant I got an Xbox.

    It wasn't that I didn't like the PS2, I just saw no reason to play on it once I had a beast of a brick in my posession. That and there was literally no room near my TV! (haha, maybe Microsoft did it on purpose?)

    So this time round I haven't even bothered with PS3, just stuck in with the 360 and never looked back. I admit that MGS4, LBP and R2 look good, but not enough to warrent the PS3 Price-tag, especially when I care not for Blu-Ray.

    With the economic down-turn I don't see PS3's sales raising tbh, and people like me, that just enjoy games and would be tempted to own more than one console, are not gonna be tempted while the PS3 is as redonculously expensive as it is at the mo. We're the ones that need persuading after all, since the fanboys are just gonna stick with their console regardless.

    So I think Sony may struggle to hold onto some of their Exclusives. Well, I think it's safe to say we've already seen that they're losing them.
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I actually read an article on Forbes that was predicting a price drop on the PS3 by about $100. Supposedly the drop would come some time in April.

    Microsoft will then supposedly drop all of their units $50 in response to Sony's price cuts.

    I can't imagine seeing a $150 xbox 360, even if its a core system. That price tag would be very enticing.
  7. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I pretty sure I read an article on Yahoo maybe a week back about the same price cuts.

    I think Microsoft is doing this on purpose. With 360 prices low xbox will be able to appeal to a bigger market. For one, xbox owners who deem their current 360's unreliable will buy a new xbox 360. Some people never having a video game console may be inticed to go buy a system since it is a relitivitly cheap investment. I'm not saying Microsoft is evil, I'm saying Microsoft has planned this as part of a marketing tool.
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    It's definitely a marketing strategy. If they can get the arcade unit $100 cheaper than the Nintendo Wii, parents will most likely look to it first. $50 can be neglegable if its something a kid really wants, but a $100 price difference can be hard to ignore.

    And as long as Microsoft keeps its bread and butter premium system under the price of Sony's cheapest unit, they'll be in a very good marketing position.
  9. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Just got an Xbox Arcade, brand new, and out of the box it had the RROD....


    Thats microsoft for ya.
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I was a PS2 fanboy while the original Xbox was out, but Then i got a 360 for halo alone. Since then all the games i want are on the 360. I owned a PS3 for a week, and found it useless. :D
  11. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Same here. I think most of the PS3 fanboys just bought the PS3 because they had a PS2. It's not worth spending that much on that heap of gimmick.
  12. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Personally, Ps3 has never appeased to me from the get go. The only game I find cool looking is Lair.

    My dad bought me and my lil bro a PS3, We never opended it. Was in its box for a whole week till my dad decided to sell it to a friend.

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    Killzone 2 or Resistance 2. Xbox live has great multiplayer and better connection than PS3. Ahh... how much fun it would be to play those games without the lag...
  14. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    Definatly Socom. This is what started online competitive console gaming. The Basis of Gamebattles started off of socom, and was the first successful army game.
  15. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    The ironic thing about that is that LAir was one of the lowest rating games on the PS3, it was a total failure.
    • Uncharted: Among Thieves
    • Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
    • Resistance 2
    Those eare some of the games that technically would be able to fit on a standard Xbox 360 disk.
    Metal Gear Solid 4 took up almost the whole Blu-Ray Disk.
    I would also like to see:
    • Killzone 2
    • Grand Turismo 5
    • Little Big Planet
    • God of War 3
    So, if i lived in a perfect world, the following would be on the xbox 360.
    • Metal Gear Solid 4
    • Little Big Planet
    • Grand Turismo 5
    • God of War 3
    • Uncharted: Among Thieves
    • Killzone 2
    • Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
    Basically all of the good exclusives IMO

    Forget Socom and Lair and Haze.

    Oh, and the best of all:
    Ratchet and Clank

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