Hello! I just ordered a dandy new chip for my nintendo ds. With this chip i can download free software to my nintendo. Its called the R4DS. Now im sure youve heard of it but i need to know if downloading free stuff onto my R4 is illegal and if it is can i be fined??? Im supposed to get it through the mail today. So if you know anything about it tell me!
Illegal discussion will get you infracted. And yes, if it isn't Nintendo approved, it's probably illegal. I got infracted for implying that I would use BitTorrent illegally. Watch what you say.
Yeah, but what he said about Limewire could easily get him infracted. You're fine, just the other guy.
Yes it is illegal, anything that is licensed for retail and is download for free, is always going to be illegal. Illegal discussion will lead to infraction(s). Keep it clean and watch what you say. You could be caught and sent to jail for pirating. Just like in the Limewire incident.
What possessed you to buy something before finding out whether using it would be illegal? Also, let's cut the spam in this thread, shall we.
Hey! I just bought this drug. I can smoke this drug and get high. It's called weed. Now I'm sure you've heard of it but I need to know if smoking weed is illegal and if it is can I be fined? The guy I bought it from is supposed to give it to me today. So if you know anything tell me!
I downloaded BitComet (BitTorrent but more illegal) without the knowledge that it was illegal. I now can't download, watch videos, or play videogames on my computer. Watch what you buy. If it looks illegal, it probably is.