So, I'm trying to assemble an awesome team for playing Team Snipers. If your really good at snipers, just tell me...maybe we can play a little so I can see your skill...I'm matching up with Xanon (he's ridiculously good, just too lazy to get his 50) and Generalocity, who is a Five Star General. I wanted to get XfX Catastrophe on with us...but he hasnt been on in 15 days, super sadface. So, if your really good at snipers, tell us. I'm not sure if this should be here, but I figured I'll put it here so that people can see it and make their own teams for Snipers. For us, I'll need the other 3 guys supporting me (probably being the worst, but I'm pretty decent with snipers), and we'll just make a run for 45-50 range as soon as it opens. Just send me a message on XBL if you want, and when I start playing some matchmaking I'll shoot you an invite. Be forwarned I often play with people with recon...just ignore it and you'll be fine, lol. My GT is Insane54, obviously.
*no scopes with AR* Ill send you a message on xbl anyway but w/e ill post here anyway o.o Gt: Kidbomber
I will help... You know meh GT My record is like 17 headshots outta 18 kills on a match on Vahalla. (not to brag lol) I dun really care if you use me though... Just hit me up when you need a player
Kidbomber is probably the best out of those who signed up. Hes pretty good. I would, but I'm terrible now. I used to be a wicked sniper, but I haven't played in months. I'm pretty decent at Farcry, even though I don't play much If you wanna play Farcry.
EVERYONE who wants in will have to send me their service record. I will decide if theyre qualified. Dont expect to be in if youre a Captain or sumthing. We are looking for really good players that are serious and are committied to our plans. Insane put this in the thread. Note* May do some HLG if necessary.
I would play, here are my stats: AmercanPsycho My friend Matt would also like to join the team, he is really good. ARand0mBu1l3t Here's an example of our ownage: Ownage Side note: Bullet is not a booster, he has played on that account since the beginning of Halo 3 and just doesn't play that much anymore. I recently got him back into Halo, so he'll probably get to grade 2 soon.
I'm the ****ing ****. I r so good. I'm 5 in it now. Invite me and you can tell me if I'm good enough. BTW, I named myself after a type of sniper kill.
Now I wish I was playing with you guys. I had two noscopes across Avalanche and went positive by a lot on most games.
I want to help but when I sent you an FR last week you declined . So I'm just gonna send you again. I'm pretty good with snipes too, just not on the map, blackout, its such a bad map. BTW, who are the ppl that has recon? What did they do in order to get it?
I dont really have any space, thats the problem. I'll try to let Shanon choose, so send FRs to 'Xanon' so he can choose, he knows what he's doing
I R Good Currently have a 48 in team snipers. I used to have a 49 but you know. . . Win 20 matches in a row and go up one, lose a match and go down. I also lost because of bad teammates. I like snipers, obviously. Here's a game where I win 50-19 in team snipers against high 40's, and me a 48. It's real. It's not a game where I'm a 5 and I own some 2's. It's real high-level players. HERE Career Stats 4,055 ranked sniper kills. 2,110 ranked sniper head shots. I'm not the best at super-far range sniping, but in combat sniping, (where both players shoot each other and then they both try to scope in the finish the kill) I can out-snipe almost anyone, even the 50's in snipers. I've played with: IGonZiii Pro Albanian and iDay SnipeR which are all well-known 50's in team snipers. If any of you want to play to get your 50 in snipers, message me: Snipermaster95
Good Job. . . Yes, I'm "trying" to get a 50 in snipers. That's why I'm posting here. These guys want a high rank in snipers too.