I know a lot of people think that the upcoming map might be a Forge based map, I personally hope it is, but judging by the sketch posted on bungie.net: It doesn't appear to be so. Its possible that it is still a forge map, and part of it is sand. Or maybe that this is the view from something, but to me that seems unlikely. Do you think Sandbox will be a forge-oriented map or not? Feel free to theorize.
Bungie has said that it isn't sandtrap at night, but it definitely is forge based because the skull is a picture of a monitor I just don't know how good it will be for forging at this point
Like I said before, it might be just a view from a certain point. And maybe a unseen section will be flat and forge-able.
From my experience, at least, Bungie never lies. But they say things in ways that confound people greatly. There is definitely sand though =P
Bungie has a tendency to "not tell the whole truth". I certainly hope that it can be forged on. I look forward to having somewhere to do good forge maps from a nice-flat forge-able canvas other than Foundry.
You know what else is fun to make maps on? Avalanche I'm making a map there right now and at some points its not that hard, but some things r a ***** lol