Disclaimer: I don't really think they are evil, just not very tactful. Ok, so I am subscribed to Machinima so that I am notified of the few good videos they produce these days. So when I clicked on this, it made me pretty angry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_6F855d3_Y What's wrong? There is no mention of the original maker of 8 Emerald Legs, Felipe Dos. Undercover specialist Jelly went to work. Clicking the link to their website I navigated around to find this quote about map credentials. Here is a link to their website. G A M E O V E R S T U D I O S - Halo 3 Forges If you ask me, this is bullshit. They are featuring maps on their show that they don't even give credit for. Now the question is, using Bungie's search, is it difficult to find Felipe Dos's 8 Emerald Legs, and how many other results do I find searching 8 Emerald legs? This is what I found. My search for 8 Emerald Legs in Map Variants by All time Clicking on the Link to 8 Emerald Legs... takes me right to Felipe's Map Now, it seems like their claim is all for nothing. My Solution: Before posting a map video, GAMEOVERSTUDIOS should search for the maker on Bungie to the best of their ability and put the name in the "about me" section on Youtube. If they can't find the original maker, they should post something about not being able to discern the original maker. Discuss.
Yeah this has been a problem for a while. Honestly, we can't do anythin about it except accept it as it is now. Besides, the members here are more appreciative of a forger's work. That's honestly all I care about.
Dragon Munday, one of their fellows has been on my friends list for some time. I intend on having an in-depth discussion with him on the subject. Although, judging from their videos, he's probably one of those "**** you, *****. I'm awesome and immature" types of people.
They all sound like that in the videos. By the way, did you actually watch the video? They act like drunks, lol.
If they give one person credit then they will have more whiners complaining. Saying that they need always give credit, the they will have to go back and give credit to every map they have ever looked at.
They do that in every video, Master. I've personally done my best to send them messages telling them the map creators. I even put up the links for the ORIGINAL Forge Hub threads, but I haven't seen anything changed. Their videos aren't even machinima worthy. Anyone with a capture card could do that. I could do better than it with my camcorder for god's sake. I'd at least make sure to give authors credit, as well as asking them BEFOREHAND.
Wow guys, stop over-reacting. Machinima apparently thinks its worthy of being on their site. Maybe, its because its the only succesfull series that showcases maps. Don't bash it if you claim you can make it better and you haven't even attempted it.
That's what I was getting at. They aren't really evil, but it is only so hard to find the original map creator and add their name in the about me section... then again I guess they would have to get machinima to add it... but they should at least do it for now on As to the style of their videos, I don't really mind it, but it is pretty much the same as CMNeir does ya i watched the whole thing... wouldn't be really fair if I didn't look through all of it first just because we haven't done it doesn't mean that we can't express our opinions Most of us don't have capture cards, which makes it much more difficult to do things like this
This is actually understandable, I've seen a lot of people take credit of others work inside and outside of Forgehub. Although, if H3F is going to make videos showcasing maps, they should probably become members of Forging communities so they could easily tell who made what map or at least use some commune sense towards their judgment instead of ignoring the proof in front of them. Also, if a map is "good" by their standards, it will most likely be in the community files section. If they searched, as you said, they could find it quite easily and normally only one variant. If by chance they found more then one, it would be a simple judgment of "who made it the earliest?", but they don't seem to be willing to even bother searching, again, as you pointed out. This is the "Bullcrap" of their criteria/credentials, not many people go around saving every little video of them forging so they can prove to the all might Halo 3 Forges members that they made the map. I don't think this is something to get too worked up about, sure they're somewhat taking injust credit, but I don't think they're the "biggest voice in the Halo Forge community" either, so they may not be taken seriously to begin with. I also find it ironic how quickly they "showcased" 8 Emerald Legs after it was featured here on Forgehub. /rant
Yes, but if you're going to be this critical of other's work and not offer concstructive criticism then are you really doind anyone a favor?
Ok, I'm sorry, I should have picked a better thread name, but it won't let me now. What do you suggest I write instead? Do you think I should explain a good way for them to find out the map creator? Edit: posted a small solution section
I know it wouldn't take that long to actually find a map made by the original person. They are probaly just too lazy
Hey Why not re-attempt it. I know this is going to sound over the top. Forge hub could put together videos like that with much better taste. We know what makes a map. They just walk through and point certain rooms out. Some of the maps they have are not even worthy. NOT any of the forgehub ones for the most part. We have an entire community. Like once a month we should get some people together and make a video about forgehubs different maps and game types. Maybe even do some maps that we find in custom games. But we could do everything that they have done right wrong. If this sounds like a possibility to anybody else please say so. And finding the creator of 8 emerald legs should not be to hard. They just like the attention that some people give them. Any body who has even been to forgehub would see that it is FEATURED and made by Felipe dos. I am going to spam them until Felipe dos gets the recognition he deserves. ~forgegod117~
I thought that's what they already do, just always end up with an anonymous creator? They say that they don't know the map's creator, but for example, they could say that they did search but to no avail. This isn't much of a sollution, but they really need to learn how to search community files.
Well personally I think it is better than what they are doing now even a short term solution like that would make their videos better
lol your good jelly.<3 for finding this but dude this probably referred to that maps like that giant maze everyone plays. no-one knows the actual creator of that map and several others. so after a few failed attempts at finding a couple of maps creators, they thought what i myself would think, which is **** it ill just put a disclaimer. I would have just politely messaged them and said i know who the creator is, here's the original post, please give him credit. I love you for finding this but trashing someones name is a bit wrong...
gameoverstudios :: View topic - OI Grif left a message at GOS forums. I did too, but Grif's is nicer looking. (TWSS) This has to stop. All they are doing is getting maps, saving and quitting, and then saying "Hey! Like the map? Well, don't ask who the author is, but download it with OUR name on it!"