First off, I'd like to say that I'm sorry for getting this up so late. Sorry! Anywho, I would really like to thank Cryptokid for keeping the party alive after I left. Thanks a ton. And thanks for everyone else who came and played. I had a really good time (even if I was being rushed to get off) with everyone. The battles we had on battle track maps/games were battle-tastic. Gun blazing in the conquest map, each of our teams had a very awesome time in each map and there were the countless dead bodies everywhere. Opening up the party to allow more people flow in, we decided to play some Cat 'n' Mouse. We had a few fail-cats, and I found myself t-bagging a few myself. Tremors like to OM NOM NOM on humans, but they also like to eat mice which is a blast. Playing the classic, and the new was a great load of fun. My final game was a classic in my TGIF, the good ol' Loyal Snipers on Distortion. 16 people on that map, and everyone having snipers (and being purple) is hell of fun. Oh yes! And the group photo was epic too! Kudos go to Phreakie for thinking it up. Anywho, since I had to cut out earlier than I wished, I'll be making (or at least trying to) it up in the next one. So be sure to join up! --Now on to the shots. Sniping on Quasar is always fun. He actually got a Triple Kill... it just doesn't show the medal. This should have killed us, instead it made us DO A BARREL ROLL! Roadkill Red Cross Dancing Spartans Sleeping time Triple Kills Shot his head through my teammate. There's a lot going on here... This guy is good... I wish I was. Like I said, he's good (triple kill from the grave, almost overkill) Can you tell me what's wrong with this pic? T-bags for all! Ohai thur. Phreakie and I try to hit each other at the same time while going off the man-cannon. So there I was...oh wait. Blue Spiders must really like me. Too bad they made me go boom. Sandwiched (Tremors Win) Phreakie Scoring (Humans Win) Making an epic final score Break dancing is pretty fun... Huh? How are those people on the wall? And here's the man that kept the party alive... to bad he dies in this shot Thanks again! And I hope to see you all next time!
Thanks for teh hosting cred Vorpal hope it goes the same tomorrow! Also a thanks to Speed e for co-hosting! It was really fun guys! (Gt: Cryptokid if any wants to send an F.R. or message!)
Great pics! I am glad to see you guys playing Battle Tracks. I have a new track coming out soon. It is a skytrack on Blackout. I hope you all like it. I worked on it for one week. It has a sky elevator. The elevator took almost as long as the track to perfect. I should be posting soon. Look out for it. It's named Europa. I would like to join your next TGIF if there is still room.