Way to stop spawn killing for good

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jakob hunter, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Now i dont know how many of you already know about this method when you are making your gametype for your map. But one day i ventured into the advanced respawn settings and found something out you make make people invinsible when they spawn for a time limit so what i did was made gametypes where the person for 5 - 10 seconds after spawning where invinsible and did 0 damage to other players.

    So if you have trouble making spawns that you die on over and over again in your maps just use this when making the gametype it really works well.

    Thank you for reading and sorry if you already knew this i just made it because spawn killing gets really annoying and it is kinda hard to make a map with exalant spawns.

    -Jakob Hunter
  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I've heard about this, but the only complaint I could come up with is that you'd have to have a special gametype for the map.
  3. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    I guess that would work. But it dosen't completly get rid of it. Because, you won't instantly become invisable. And yeah, I yeard this somewhere. But its a pretty good idea.
  4. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    Well, I say you get an A on observation at least. I personally did know this, though I've done lots of snooping around in the options before.

    The only problem is that with the no damage effect on, someone may spawn in a halfway decent place and have a kill already in their sights and they can't do anything, and possibly get shot when they forget theres no damage and reveal themselves from camo.

    Not to mention if you realize someone is invisible even if they are invulnerable you can still assassinate them.

    But like you said, if your having a really hard time with getting your spawns good, and don't want to or can't get someone to help you, then this is a viable way to go...
  5. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    i think that it works good only in some games which i forgot to mention. SWAT for example i hate spawning and getting shot in the head as soon as i spawn so just set it so you are invulnuarable to headshots as soon as you spawn. secondly if you spawn in a good spot and have kill in your sights well just wait 5 seconds and your good.

    Just set the traits for a small amount of time. The traits can also be used in creative ways like i made a Left 4 Dead gametype where you spawn with invisability and camo for about 5-10 seconds i dont remember. So then it is like the game Left 4 Dead where the zombies get to choose there starting spawning spots before they spawn.

    But it can help and just give them overshields if you dont want them assasanated you dont have to make them invisible infact im suprised that i put that in there just make it so they spawn a differant color so people dont start shooting at them to find out they cant die.

    But i think the only true way to get rid of spawn killing completely other than putting all the spawns in a box you can get out of but into :) is just not doing as an honor rule i mean spawn killing dosnt prove anything really.

    Thanks for the posts i hope this helped some of you
  6. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    Well, see the thing is, like I play Swat(though I do like other gametypes). In Swat, if you wait five seconds for a shot, you're dead already. In a five second span you can get a killtac and extermination or on the other end of the spectrum you could get spawn killed twice.

    And as far as I know the shield bit doesn't matter, you can assassinate someone even if they have an over shield if I'm not mistaken.
  7. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    im not sure if they have 4 of them well i may be mistaken but i think invincibility also works against assassanations
  8. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Overshields don't protect against assassinations. Nothing protects against assassinations. Trust me, I found out the hard way
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    so what happens when there is someone like me who can see camo pretty easily most of the time. Its basically a free kill.
  10. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Exactly. People tend to only d/l the map, not the gametype.

    After Cave Freaks was on bungie favorites, the map had like 15000 more d/ls then the gametype.
  11. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    rather than invisibility, how bout just no damage and invincible for 5 seconds? that way they cant die unless assassinated, which could be done ur way too......
  12. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    Theres still the problems of needing a custom gametype, which as pointed out most people don't want the hassle of downloading that too, and the fact that you often get kills within the first five seconds in almost any gametype.

    It pretty much doesn't matter what map you're own(aside from valhalla or avalanche), you can go two or three seconds typically and find a person to shoot.
  13. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    Nice idea. I could use this.
  14. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I don't think this would work on every map though. If spawn points aren't placed well enough there's still the fact that with the right placement you could assassinate the person again and again since it's instakill.
  15. aDeAdHeRo875

    aDeAdHeRo875 Ancient
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    well one way not to get spawn killed is be the one doing it. always works for me
  16. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Okay, for the camo idea. It wouldn't work nearly as well as a different combo, invulnerability for 3-5 seconds, and have the player color change for that period of time (so you know they have invulnerability yet, and you'd be wasting your bullets).

    Camo WILL not be active when you spawn, you have to wait 2-3 seconds for it to make you vanish completely. You can still easily get spawn killed, as it isn't terribly difficult to see someone who has camo, and one shot will make them show up.

    As for the assassination part, there is nothing that can be done about that. You can always get assassinated or splattered. But in a real map, you'd be very, VERY lucky to be set up for a spawn kill assassination, the person could easily spawn next to you, as a good map should have alternate spawning areas.
  17. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    ummm I have seen some gametypes with temporary invincibility on, which works ok, but again a lot of ppl wouldn't dl the gametype
  18. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I would hate to have certain gametypes of slayer for maps because of the issue, but it is really important for some maps that experience these kinds of problems. One of the only reasons i have a gametype of slayer for sanskrit v3 is because of spawn killing. So I made them invisible and invulnerable for 3 seconds I believe but they also can not inflict any damage.

    Nice Find, but I think that this has been discovered. Nice to bring up though
  19. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Yeah 3 seconds would be alot better than your suggestion of 5-10 seconds. Bl00D F1r3's "quarantine" makes the zombie invisible for a few seconds and it works really well. So there are possiblilities to for this.
  20. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    yes i do agree 3 seconds would work better and i said invis would not be to good unless you are making a left 4 dead type gametype where it makes it feel more like the game (you know where you pick where you spawn as a zombie)

    and i think a way to stop assassanations for good would be to put some sort of barrior behind every spawn point (i you didnt place to many) but yes overshields wouldnt really do anything and you would have to make sure they cant be head shot

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