Your Fondest Memory in Videogames

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jake Pajamas, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Post your fondest memory in videogame.

    Here's Mine:
    I was playing Mario Party (the original N64 one) and it was the end of the game. I had 1 star, my best friend at 3, and my other two friends had one or two (their stars aren't important). I am notorious for always winning mario party and my best friend is notorious for always losing. He thought he had this game in the bag, breaking his curse. I however, managed to steal, one by one, each of the bonus stars. First coin star, then mini-game star, then happening star. Putting at me at 4 stars to his 3. I literally jumped out of my seat and screamed victory. He threw his controller down and shut of the nintendo. This is the definition of epic win in my opinion.
  2. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    Ahah got you beat:

    I was playing Mortal Wombat with my dad. I picked Subzero and he picked some retard or something. OK he was up 1-0 and was talking smack and he made a bet with me; if i came back and beat him he would give me his iphone and he would take my piece of **** phone, If he won he would get to bask in his glory. So i K.O.ed his ass 2nd game and in the last game we both got Finish Him! at the same time. We both waited until... BAM! Knocked him out.

    Thus resulting in epic win.

    Edit: I meant Kombat. >.>
  3. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    when i first plyed cod2.

    OMFGDRPHL Ancient
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    Dark Cloud. In the first town you get to after the first one, I put the town back together. It was so peaceful; there was calming music, a long stretch of river traveling across the whole town... Priceless.

    Also beating Metal Slug 3 felt good.
  5. NymBomer

    NymBomer Ancient
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    That would have been an awesome game.

    My most fondest memory probably would have been beating my dad in Pong when I was six or seven.

    Too many to mention when it comes to Halo.
    #5 NymBomer, Jan 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2009
  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    When i used to play super smash broes with my friends. It was so much fun cuz one of my friend's brothers was like amazing so we always thought he was god or something. Then in between video games, school, fake sword fights, we'd have cool-aide. or however u spell it
    #6 Monolith, Jan 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2009
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I remember playing our Sega Genisis, I was fairly young. I remembe ALWAYS being Tails and my older brother Xavier being Sonic. All the time.

    Another would be when I was first introduced to Halo. Me and Xavier went to a friends house. I was like 10 or 11 at the time, ad we didnt own an Xbox.
    We saw them playing Halo and it didint seem that interesting. But once I was offered to play, I too a chance. I loved it, the pistol sniping, rockets, plasma nades, everything. And i laughed so hard whenever a body went flying throug the air,rotaing its arms. Fun stuff.
  8. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Alright, so in middleschool i had a science teacher who had a very old super nintendo powered by a exercising bicycle, it was pretty tight. And every morning me and my friends played that thing while getting some intense exercise, because we had him first period. We had some good times playing mario and sonic and shoot the ducks and stuff.
  9. Chubbly911

    Chubbly911 Ancient
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    I was playing the New Super Mario Bros. on my DS at a competition at Gamestop. I was down 2 rounds to 0 and came back to win 3 rounds to 2. I also won a medal with it.
  10. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Here is mine:

    Every day after we would get home from school my dad and brother would play Halo 2 with me. Every day they would get mad and have to team up on me. They still fail...

    Played Super Smash Bros. with my brother's friend, she had 2 computers at highest level on her side. I had myself. I still won, very epic. I was playing as Jigglypuff...

    World of Warcraft... me and a few other guys standing outside of the Orgrimmar Auction House naked and stopping anybody who tried to come in withought being a pirate... it was awesome!

  11. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I remember getting the yellow gem on Crash Bandicoot 2. To get it, you had to reach a checkpoint without dying. A timer would appear on the screen and you had to beat the rest of the level without dying before the time ran out. At first I thought it was impossible, but I got so good at it, that I managed to collect the gem at the end of the level AND teleport out of the level before the timer ran out.
    It won me a £5 bet. I pwned at Crash Bandicoot. Shame the new ones suck big donkey ****.
  12. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Wow. Not one time was I ever asked of sharing my dearest memories in Video Games. I thank you for doing this, so I can finally share my long list of experiences. And then I realize where do I start. Chronological order starting from N64, to 360, or the most memorial times. I'll do it chronologically.

    Well it rather started with my friend. I would go over his house frequently, as I still do. But I remember the first couple of days when I first began my journey onto a gaming platform. I recall my first experience was probably Banjoo and Kazooie, and upon playing it I was intrigued to buy a console for myself, well my parents did for I was the age of 7. But I still have flashbacks of playing that game alongside my parents reading the paper, making dinner, and doing usual married stuff. The reason I say married is for my parents are now deforced. Video games are actually a crucial part of my life, for they make me reminisce about the times my parents were still together.

    Now the next thing my buddy showed me was Time Splitters 2 on GameCube. And this game was probably the first Multiplayer game that I loved. It had so many aspects that I sitll find it above its time. The story line was much to complex for my 10 year old brain, but I could at least interpret the game design, gameplay, and graphics. I would play this game constantly over and over again. I would laugh, yell, scream, and fight with my friends over it. Furthermore, I have surplus memories forbidden in my brain which I still think of to this day.

    But now heres where my gaming experience revolutionizes.

    Now as my friend was a sort of ambassador showing me new consoles, and subliminaly making me buy them for myself, he showed me an Xbox. And guess what game was my first Xbox game? Halo:CE. My jaw dropped. I couldn't decide what to think of this game. It had so many features, and so many ways of playing. But soon after, I played Halo 2. Which was the factor of purchasing an Xbox, and probably the reason I'm telling you this today.

    Though Halo 2, wasn't as much fun as it was playign by myself. For when I went over my friends house he had 2 brothers and all four of us could embark on a gaming jorunery. But me being an only child really took alot of the whole experience away. So I began watching Xbox Live videos. I really can't remember for how I found them because I think I first started watching them on Myspace. But I do remember the first couple of videos I watched, which was HollywoodHalo. And what a greta first impression, for even today they beat many great machinimas.

    So I begged and begged my Mom for Live, and I finally got it. Now seeing at that time I had no use for the internet, I had to play on a 15' screen for we though that was the only place we could get the ethernet cord. But my first game (I'm fortunate I even remember this) was Rumble Pit on Warlock. But my Gamertag was Playahater27 ( Now I replaced the a on playa with er and the er on hater with an a because the account is still active and I don't know how to delete it).

    I feel Xbox Live really made me who I am today. I think this because I recieved Live in November 2006, and I started Junior High in September 2006. So a big part of my life was changing and I was encountering new things. Not only thatk, but I learned many things about life from Live. Big thing was sex. This may sounds funny, but I believe if it wasn't for Live I wouldn't the be same person I am.

    So anyway, I met amazing people. Many friends, many foes. I mean **** I have more memories on Halo 2 then I do even watching TV.

    I'll most likely edit this later for I just downloaded Fallout 3's new DLC.
  13. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Ah N64 super smash bros...Using donkey kong to carry people off th edge...priceless.
  14. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    Sounds extremely like mine.. >.> Ah well.

    And Oh mah fracking god, Banjo Kazooie was THE single greatest game of all time on the N64. Without a doubt.
  15. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    I dont really know of anything besides this halo 3 moment.$..

    ok, lone wolves on gardion and the score was

    other dude-12
    last dude-12
    (the other two quit)

    ok,i thought I was gonna lose terribly,but I got the hammer and sniper,through a double kill so I was at 16 and i killed the dude in first with the hammer and a noscope bounce headshot to another guy.(best moment of this whole thing) and I was at the where the hammer spawns and through a plasma at the lift,cause I heard some fighting at the top got a kill out of that, after grabbing the camo I went to the bubble shield and threw it down on the middle platform and some dummy didnt see me in there and went in,he got hammered. i went to where the duel magnems are to recover my shields,got ambushed,killed him. then i changed my hammer for a shotgun and a person on the floor above me came down after me (my camo wore off) i shottyed him. i went to the room with the lift,got a noscope,then a double kill. then I got the over shield,and went on a shotty rampage throughout the map.

    I won,and the dude who had 24 kills didnt get a single kill through out the resst of the game and I got a killing frenzy. needless to say,I was happy.
  16. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    I beat Soulja Boy 1v1.
  17. NymBomer

    NymBomer Ancient
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    I fixed it for you.
  18. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    the whole N64 era
  19. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Freeing all the bunnies on the last level on Sonic was ****ing legendary. Keeps my heart warm even now.
  20. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    When I first beat Pokemon Blue's 1337 4 when I was like 6
    I never got the whole "don't raise just one pokemon thing"
    so I had my level 100 charizard and some like 50s that I captured on victory road

    After many tries I finally beat that mothafuckin blastoise only to get lost in the dungeon with mewtwo and not being able to figure how to get out lolz

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