Foxhole Warfare 3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by WMcr8, Jan 28, 2009.


How would you rate this map?

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  2. Good

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    2 vote(s)
  1. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    Map Title: Foxhole Warfare 3

    Download Map
    Rules of Engagement

    Alright in this version I completely overhauled the map,The walls a bigger and better the bases are labeled and have arrows inside them to point you towards the towers and exits. the play area has more cover provided by the barrels strewn about the field. The weapon set and spawns are completely different each base has two AR's, two spikers , three br's a mauler, a sniper three frag nades and two stickies. each foxhole has two spikers and a flame nade as well the crates on each side of the bases have differing weapons and a flame nade or frag. the new gametype makes it harder to kill people as well as taking away the home capture setting and only giving a mag for start weapon. I also fixed the two foxholes that were hard to get out of.

    Foxhole warfare is an attrition based flag arena where there is no motion tracker, no shields , and no head shots. Each side has two foxholes for its side and a small underground base with a tower that you can access from the back of the bases. There are only BR's, , Spikers , AR's, maulers and snipers on the map. The flag is on top of each teams tower.

    new field

    A base

    B base

    flame nades

    action pics

    sniper in each tower

    Signs point the way to and from the tower in each base

    Please comment so that i can make this map better and have fun.
  2. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    nice map very well built like the whole fox hole idea with the miniature tunnels and everything pretty creative 7/10 just because not everything is perfectly interlocked
  3. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Yeah first post :) EDIT:(nevermind he^ got here first)

    This map looks really good i love the idea of foxholes it is really original. The ground looks a little bumpy but i dont think it is to big of a deal the rest of the map looks clean and nice i think it is a great use of signs to point to each base and its flag i also like how you made the foxholes with the stairs underneath i dont know for sure this map plays but it looks really fun so yoyu have my DL. 4.5/5 Keep forging

    -Jakob Hunter
  4. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    like the foxholes, but there may need to be a wee little bit more cover, if there are snipers for the towers, anyway, well forged,and i love the foxholes i would like to see more of the underground parts though
  5. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    You had my download with the first pic! This is so cool. 5/5 for creativity. Although it seems like there's no cover whatsoever up top... I know the tunnels have been done in infection but this is amazing. Congrats on the amazing map!
  6. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    the signs really helped me get out of the 'fox holes' so im glad you did that and i think that this is quite an original idea. it plays really well me and my friends enjoyed it alot so good job on that. but i do have to say that it is qutie easy to camp by the falg without getting easily killed(but thats from my experience you may have had diffrent) iim not sure how you would change that but its not a big problem so great map 4/5
  7. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    On playing V2, I noticed that the foxholes are hard to climb out of if you're in a fight. I hope you fixed that. Besides that, I really like the map. 4/5. Nice job!
  8. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    I like this map very much, you have a good idea going with the fox holes, I did notice the difficulty to get out of them though. The Interlocking is pretty good except for the end of some double boxes. The map does play incredebly well though;

    Geo-Merging: (you really didn't geo-merge)
    Interlocking: 4.5/5
    Aesthetics: 4.5/5
    Gameplay: 5/5
    Weapon Layout: 4/5

    OVERALL: 4/5

    I will look forward for a Foxhole Warfare v3
  9. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    this is v3 but thnx for the support
  10. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    This is a very original idea. The idea of the foxhole was extremely creative. It looks fun and well forged! definatley a 4/5 for now!
  11. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    Looks good. I would like to see some more pictures though. Once I download and play I'll rate.
  12. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    this is a sweet map i like the the simulatity of bothe sides thansk
    i so going to down load but couldnt some just camp by the oppsing team spawn
    im just saying thats what i think thanks for the sweet map 4/5 thanks for a sweet map:)
  13. africanBoi

    africanBoi Ancient
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    Nice map, i love the foxhole idea. Don't get discouraged by people who say that there is bad interlocking or needs more geomerging. It is a great map and people have no idea how the creator might have wanted it. I actually liked that some of the transitions are bumpy. I liked it, not all battlefields are nice and smooth. keep up the good work...
  14. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    I was hoping to get some suggestions on what to change for a v4 of this, and in response to the camping you can spawn in the base the tower the foxholes or near the crates so its kinda hard to spawn kill, but if people do camp the base entrance go up the tower and shoot at them the cant camp there too easily
  15. DeadLock25

    DeadLock25 Ancient
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    This map inst bad. I like the whole idea and it seems like a really fun thing to play. The only problem I see is that it's too hard for the flag carrier to get across because it seems too open. Especially with those snipers. If the tunnels were bigger then maybe it would make it easier. For now I give you a 4/5 but i still haven't played the game myself. By the way, try to smooth out the floor with neater interlocking.
  16. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    if you have people covering you its easy to run because the sniper only have four shots every three minutes

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Dude very nice with the set/layout of the map. The idea is original and fun, with a touch of feeling ninja under the ground. Network tunnles and holes/vents have always been my kinda of intrests, so ill hope too soon play a game with this.
  18. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    right now I could use some suggestions about how to make this make even better other than a smooth floor. thx

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