Here Is a new effect I just found! Please go to the link to rate and comment! And possibly download =P That would be greatly appreciated. Heres the link; : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details And heres the screen. (Also I was told to make this screenshot separate from my others.) I would love to see if you can guess on how I did this. =P But seriously I would really like it if you could go to that link and rate =D
It looks awsome, I'm Dl ing. But im guessing it has to do with a regen or sometin, and maybee a lasor or something? I close,?
Hmm suprising it doesnt use either... But i'm not going to give out any more hints =] thanks for the download! Big help! =D
cool...another one of your screenshots to tease us with... Dont get me wrong it's str8 up sik but it's kinda lame that you wont say anything and everything we guess is wrong...
I'm guessing a combo of Fuel Rod Gun/Plasma Pistols and Splazer shot made this beastly screenshot. Go on, tell us! I love this shot.
i say it's a fuel rod and the light shining from a taillight of a pelican. srsly tho, when will u tell us? if not, tell me? EDIT: at LEAST I KNOW it's on AVALANCHE!
Ehh, sorry guys.. I know its dissapointing. But if someone finds a screen that no one knows how to do, they are going to keep it a secret at elast for just a little while. (notice the little while) But I'm not saying ty to make a re-make =] Im interested in what you guys would come up with. Btw, peer pressure is bad... =[
I'm going to guess either a fuel rod gun explosion at the same time as a normal explosion, or something to do with a banshee
yes i think it is in the cave on avalanche thats why you can see the colors so well and i think he used juce and its got to be a lazer and a full rod
idk how you did this, i love it. anyways sooner or later you should post a how to for this pic on the Guide to making screenshots section
i would say maybe it has something to do with a teleporter? it looks as if the geometry of the green lighting seems similar to that of a teleporter....
I love this effect it's sick! I also don't mind that you won't tell people bout it because you do make a good point, but hopefully you'll reveal it soon! Awesome job on it BTW!
Thanks alot for the complements but like I said before "But i'm not going to give out any more hints =]" You guys can guess but you wont know for sure unles you do it.