Hyrule Castle Created by b0b43 Download Hyrule Castle Here Download SSB Time Here Recommended Players: 2-4 players ONLY. The map is not built to accomodate more than 4 players. Map Description: Hyrule Castle is a remake of the map of the same name from Super Smash Bros. on Nintendo 64. It has been built off the edge of Avalanche, and has stayed true to the original design. The map comes with it's own gametype and weapon set, and gameplay provides a mix of Halo and Super Smash Bros. I have had this map built for a long time now, but I have only got around to publishing it now. Being built off the edge of Avalanche, you can fall off the map staying true to keep a Smash Bros. feel. The map is built right next to the elastic barrier on Avalanche, so you can't fall off the back side. The map is completely blocked off so no one can escape, providing that people use the linked gametype. The map also comes with a few extra features, such as if you fall off the map on the sides, there are a few grav lifts that can push you back up, providing you fall on them. There are 4 spawn points in the sky, simulating the spawn motion in SSB and preventing spawn killing. Unlike many other Super Smash Bros. maps, you CAN die, and is NOT just everyone spawning with hammers and pushing each other off. The map and gametype are built to COMBINE the best elements of Halo and Super Smash Bros. This is why it is essential to download the gametype as well. Gametype Traits: Score to win: Unlimited Time Limit: 7 Minutes Team Slayer: Disabled Kill Points: 1 Death Points: -1 Primary Weapon: Magnum Secondary Weapon: SMG Damage Resistance: 200% Shield Multiplier: 2x Overshields Shield Recharge: No Recharge Damage Multiplier: 75% Gravity: 75% Motion Tracker: Off Respawn Time: 4 Seconds All other settings are normal. These settings are designed to have long, drawn out battles, having incentive to find a more powerful weapon and giving a Super Smash Bros. feel to it. Weapons: SMG x 6 - 30 Sec - 2 Spare Clips Magnum x 4 - 30 Sec - 2 Spare Clips Battle Rifle x 6 - 30 Sec - 2 Spare Clips Spiker x 3 - 20 Sec - 2 Spare Clips Beam Rifle x 1 - 30 Sec - Brute Shot x 1 - 30 Sec - 2 Spare Clips Rocket Launcher x 1 - 90 Sec - 1 Spare Clip - Place at Start No Spartan Laser x 1 - 150 Sec - Place at Start No Gravity Hammer x 1 - 120 Sec - Place at Start No Carbine x 4 - 30 Sec - 1 Spare Clip - 2 Placed at Start, 2 Not Placed at Start Plasma Grenade x 6 - 20 Sec Spike Grenade x 4 - 20 Sec Firebomb Grenade x 2 - 60 Sec - Place at Start No Trip Mine x 2 - 30 Sec - Place at Start No Overshields x 1 (Works as shield regenerator with gametype) - 120 Sec - Place at Start No Custom Powerup x 1 (Works as 15 Sec Invincibility with gametype) - 150 Sec - Place at Start No Pictures: Overview 1 - Note Teleporters on map are purely aesthetic Overview 2 Original Hyrule Castle Middle Left Side Right Side Top - Note Spawns floating on top of map Lifts - Designed to push up players that fall off map, similar to recovery moves Map is blocked off Any constructive criticism is welcomed. Please comment on the gametype if you think it is unbalanced ONLY if you have played the map. Download Hyrule Castle Here Download SSB Time Here
Wow dude, this looks really awesome. I remember playing super smash bros for hours on end. I like the way you closed off the map too. Not too sure how it plays, but i'll give it a 4/5 since the proportions are off and there is some added geometry that is different than the one on the N64, could be for the better though.
Yeah I know that proportions are a bit off - it becomes hard when you can't customise object sizes and such. The main difference is in the tower - the reason it is almost twice as wide is because you can't jump through the ledges like in SSB, you have to jump around them. This just gives the extra room you need, and with 75% gravity you do need it. The added geometry is simply because you have to take a 2-D map into a 3-D map, and you have that depth to work with. Theres not much I can do except incorporate some extra structures in so it is to be expected. And yes, I made it because I used to play it all the time on N64 . So much fun. I have an emulator on the computer (that's how I took the screenshot) and I still play it heaps.
i think that there are to many powerful weapons within a close timezone but other that that the map looks great and i love super smash bros so i will definaly download this map. very well done it looks nice so keep forging hope to see more from you and i give it a 4/5
Yeah it might seem that there is an abundance of power weapons, they are designed to give the map a frantic pace like smash bros, but it is only really the hammer (which is designed to emulate the hammer in super smash bros) that is really powerful because it can push people off the map.
NICE! I think looks awesome and I'll download for sure. I always loved that level... nice barrier around the level. Kepp up the awesome forging.
yes i love it, this was my favorite level in all of the smash games. I was waiting to see one come along. I like how you accounted for the differences that you could not remake in halo.
Awesome looks clean and interlocked? the barrier is enourmous, you should make it so weapons and items drop from the sky at certain times so there arent so many weapons on the castle at one time. GJ 4.6/5
This was my favorite level in the original super smash bros. I understand what you mean about adding the power weapons. I'll definitely DL this and try it out with some friends.
Why not try to make a Smash Ball like in SSBB, it could be a custom powerup thing. It coud spawn at the top of the stage. I know you already have a custom powerup, but this would be more better. Great stage, my friend is a Nintendo addict and after playing this, he loved it. 4/5.
Yeah, I knew I would get a comment on this. I wanted to make it more like the original Smash Bros., where there was no smash ball and an invincibilty instead. I have only played SSBM and SSBB a few times anyways, compared to the original SSB which I played thousands of times(and I think is better ). When I originally created the map I tried to transfer as many weapons from the original into halo weapons as well as adding extra weapons from halo, but I've forgotton what most are meant to be now.
Well I still have all the super smash games so I love this map. If it would be possible I would enjoy seeing other levles as well. Like the one over the city the pokemon map... And make dumpters fly out from the building instead of pokemon. OR JUST MAKE THEM ALL!!!!!!!! muhahahah!!! 9.5/10
Great 5 stars but you should make more super smash bros maps maybe from the latest games. You could make it better by replacing crates with merged cones like a triangle but Great anyway i could help you send me a friend request if you want me to help Gamertag= A Badger Ferret
In my opinion you should make the weapons all place at start no so it is like in the SSB games when the items just drop from the sky. Other then that the map almost looks like the original and great job on this map. Definate DL.
Tornado simulation anyone? If I am correct, I remember a tornado that is on the left. That would be cool if somehow you could make that. Good map. This looks really cool. Love SSB. Nice work. Thumbs up.
Wow, I completely forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me. I've used up all the grav lifts, but maybe a mancannon that spawns 3 minutes in that forces you into the sky could work. Only problem is that it would be permanent. But yeah, I completely overlooked that feature. Thanks