Track: Tunnels of Doom ( Map: Cold Storage Difficulty: Medium Created by: Shirdel7221 & xXxLeeman23xXx Description: This map is not for the impatient. It is a slow map, with a lot of sharp turns, a Shield Door Hallway, a Penalty Box for Cheaters, and a Giant Jump! (Well, by Small Map proportions anyway) To be honest, Me and Leeman watched some Racetrack Videos when we didn't have LIVE, and we really wanted to play a Racetrack. So we made one. When we got LIVE, I decided to finalize the map, and added The Jump. Anyway, let's look at some pictures. This first picture is of the Starting Grid: We did have a couple of problems with where to Start, because there aren't very many places in a small map such as this. Anyway, this next picture is of The Hallway: As you can see, it has the Shield Doors, and in the Background you can see the Check-Point, with Teleporters for Cheaters. It's also even more secure, with a Grav Lift added in V2. Anyway, this is where the Teleporters go: To the Penalty Box. There are 5 Fusion Coils to kill yourself with, but if you're invincible, there's a teleporter behind the Reciver Node (not shown in picture) that takes you back to the start. This final picture is of the Huge Jump I was talking about. It doesn't require skill, it doesn't require speed, but people without a Mongoose won't be able to do it. Anyway. And that's pretty much it. Well... Ok, here's some Action Pics. Ok, well that's it. I hope you enjoy. You can download it here: Any reviews will be greatly appreciated. Leeman doesn't really do much Forging, so you probably won't expect much from him, but I will be continuing to make Racetracks every now and then. But you can't really expect Giant Mid-Air Things, I just don't really have that much time. Any reviews will be greatly appreciated. Version 2 out now! Again, many thanks for downloading. Shirdel out.
you took the initiative to make a race where no one has befor, which is good. butttt you used the super tight cornered, linear trackthat is the original cold storage for v2 i would suggest changing it up a lttle bit or make a whole new track on a different map. also couldnt you just go through the checkpoint as a human and go through the tele that takes ou back to the star, then just do it again. and im sorry for my bad grammer but im really tired XD
I like that you tried making something new but I think you should make some paths not just cold storage and you need to clean this up a lot 2/5
pinohkio: Yes, but it wouldn't get you any points. To be honest, I would need Leeman's help to make a V2 but he's completely unintrested in this map now. In fact, I think he's even a little embarassed that he helped make it. If I was to make a V2, I would probably sharpen up the Hallway, try to smooth out some of the turns, and try to make the Starting Grid easier to overpass. I'd also make the VIP Point 100% Cheat-Proof by placing it in the direction of the Jump, but I don't know how I'd do that. - Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
wow!!!! that cool i never ever seen a cold storage racing map it looks cool and creative but it looks like it would get really tight when racing with alot of people tho i complement u on trying a kind of sussining of making a cold storage race map 5/5 for on cold storage 3/5 over all map
Wow i love it. My cousin and i tried to make a race map on cold storage but we never finish it. I like how you laid it out and about the tight corners, there perfect, not all race tracks can be smooth, real race tracks have 90 degree turns. Keep up the good work.
I actually like the idea of a cold storage race map. Very original, but I don't like how you executed it. I seems sloppy and some areas look like you could fall off just like that. Maybe if you make a v2 and clean it up. For now 3/5 for originality. keep forging
To be honest with you, I think your map isn't all great. But at least you were original. I'm getting tired of all of these same race maps on Foundry. You should make a v2 on cold storage with lots of interlocking and geo-merging. Just make it extrodinary
Unfortantly, I don't have enough Forging Knowledge to know how to Geo-Merge. Leeman did most of the track. I just chose where the racetrack would go, helped in a couple of bits, Added the Penalty Box and the VIP Point, removed all the weapons and added The Jump. I know how to make objects float, but I don't have enough patience to make a giant Geo-Merged Floating Racetrack. If the unique ideas are good enough, I might make a couple of Racetracks on smaller maps, eg. Construct, The Pit.
Hi, i will be making a V2 in this weekend. Depending on wether shirdel wants to. I will do some of the things poeple have suggested like neaten it up and fix the partys where you can just fall of and i also have a new jump up my sleeve
I would just like to confirm that this is the real Leeman who I worked with. EDIT: Death Racer posted. Leeman has decided to make a entirely different map on Cold Storage. I'm going to post Tunnels of Doom V2 soon. Also, Leeman and I have fallen out. We will be posting our maps seperately.
Well since its so hard to make a track on cold storage nice job. But its very sloppy and short. Try a new map where you can interlock with walls and boxes. 2/5
Version 2 released. This new version now has a easier to use Starting Grid, as well as smoother corners, and a slightly more risky Stairway. It also has a Grav Lift right behind the V.I.P. Point, which now makes it even more secure. Hope you enjoy.
A race track on cold storage? I didnt think that was possible! I like your initiative in making such a cool thing.