looks like a solid map. I really wish that the whole arena wasn't just square though. i'll dl and tell you what i think after playin
Hmmm.. this looks alot like Monkey on the Woodchips which is actually, in my opinion, done alot better. Perhaps you could elaborate on the difference between your map and this one? Besides the shield doors. Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
The game doesn't seem very balanced because there is no way for humans to kill the zombies, and someone could just wait on a pallet until some zombies double jump then they just jump to another pallet. Too many people would be cheap, because there is really no interaction between people in the game.
Well this guy see's that humans now always have more of an advantage. Anyway the point for humans is to survive not kill.
No, I love maps where the objective is to survive not kill, I'm just saying that there should be more interaction other than when two zombies partner jump (because,sadly, a lot of people don't understand how to).
looks pretty cool, i'll try it out when i get my 360 back although i hate the name - watch your step, unoriginal and just doesn't sound very good
from the picture i think the pallets are unstable so if you stay on one it will fall or tilt and it makes you fall so u have to keepmoving
Why not have the zombies pick up grav lifts. And have objects spawn above the pallets somewhere in the middle of the game, like crates, that knock some of the pallets off. This map has no replay value, and no one will do what you planned for them to do.
Make it more dangerous. For example, drop fusion coils on the pallets at random intervals (example; 10 sec respawn. set at start; no. 10 second spawn, set at start;yes. 20 second spawn; set at start yes) And so on so that fusion coils drop off at random intervals. Also, to the person who commented on inability to kill zombies, like Hobo Heights, this is a minigame. If they could kill the zombies, it would likely be a casual map.