At first glance it looks good. 90% was neat and organized. The walls were a bit off that surrounded the sides. I can do some pretty neat jumps off of them, although those jumps did not alter the gameplay one bit. I played a game with LOL zombie on it. Basically LOL zombie described his experience with the map in one word, terrible. It was waayyyy to easy to win on the map. nothing is stopping from grabbing a BR and standing on the top pillars spawn raping him. It was very boring killing someone the same way over and over again. I have no clue why you would place the Fushion coils in such odd places too. It just made the spawn raping much easier to do. The weapon placement was bland, and predictable in a 1v1 map. Mauler, smgs, spikers, PP, and BRs. The trip mine also helped with the spawn raping. And just a tip, dont have more than 2 types of grenades on a map, having to switch through 3 different types of grenades can be annoying. Layout was nothing special. Do something about the pillars being Spawn rape central. Fushion coils up there maybe? Limited Br also. Spawning was bad. Predictable which made for a very easy win. Zombie was just a sitting duck down on the ground. Overall I give the map a 3/10. For reasons previously stated.