Trampoline wars is a map where you are on a mongoose bouncing up and down on layed down flat shield doors. In the middle of the trampoline theres a hill for the king of the hill Gametype. The game is pretty long. You need 250 points to win the game. That may seem easy but there are 3 other mongooses pushing you out of the hill and off your goose. If you fall of your goose you go under the shield doors and they are too high up for you to jump up through. This is team king of the hill so there is two to a team This is an overview of the map This is where you start off with your Mongoose Hangin around in the Hill Attackin an enemy Goose Bouncing upside down When you fall through the shields you use the grenades provided to die. So YAHHHHH!!!!!! Download or die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Sets
I like the Idea of the hill, but you should make something where there are 2 people to a mongoose, people have infinite health, the person on back has a brute shot, and if you fall, jus7 have a teleporter that teleports you outside the map and kills you even if you are infinite. great map idea, just needs a v2
Good Nice map idea, it seems like it would be really fun to play I would put a teleporter on the bottom that just teleported you above another mongoose, or something like that, dont make it where you cant die or have a brute shot that would make it incredibly retarded. Good Job 4/5
cool idea. seems like a fun gametype- but the map looks a little escapeable like go behind the mongoose- and killing yourself with grenades? you should try something else. also- the last picture "Download or Die" it looks like it says "Download or Dip!"
Wow, I actually thought it did say "Download or Dip", thanks for pointing that out XD I had an idea like this, but I didn't know how I wanted the gametype to work out, so I just abandoned the idea...Anyway, yeah, this looks much better than what my map was =P I think an improvement would be the two person-per-team thing that Skanky Toast had, but instead of a Brute Shot, I think having infinite grenades would be better.
There is a rule in the gametype i forgot to point out there is team king of the hill on i forgot to put it in my description though sorry, i'll include that though. And i will make a v2 and put teleporters in but i don't know about the brutes though but well see
This is an interesting idea but it seems completely random who 'wins' the battle of randomly running into each other, while out of control on the mongoose. Also can't someone just jump in and hijack the other team into the pit?
No its actually quite hard because three quarters of the time the goose will be upside down so if you jump in it will just really give you no chance but its king of the hill so there's a hill in there so while bouncing out of control in the hill you are getting points and the game is won by 250 KOTH points
You can't hijack a mongoose.... but It would be funner if you mad the arena bigger, and the hill the same. and have the bruteshot thing, so your teammate on the back is the only way you can get points
Yea there are a few problems. First the lack of shield doors, even though you probably used all of them, foundry just doesnt have enough for a map like this. Second is that you can't control your vehicle while bouncing around, and it would be luck if you win. Also it looks like you put it so high that people could just keep jumping across the gap and win. I think with a V2 or V3 is could be really fun, though it needs some serious improvement.
i kinda had the same idea only infection, where you were in this eclosed box with shield walls on the bottoms and sides and the zombies try to jump to avoid you driving in the wartgog, and when they got splattered theyy would get in a mongoose and help.... if anyone wants to use my idea and make a clean version of the map i explained go ahead..i couldnt forge a neatly interlocked map. but ya, do the people who die respawn when they die cus it could also be like elimination slayer
You mean like a giant death pit? So you mean, like put mancannon's around the sides so you fly around randomly through the pit?