is it possible to make items spawn randomly between the place you put them for example place an active camo in one place and another one somewhere else and have it switch spawn points between the two places? or is this just something that can't be done?
Unfortunately so. Unless it can be done using the same technique that either Shock/Asper (can't remember who) used in one of the 1v1 maps, where destroying one grav lift made another one appear somewhere else.
darn i was hoping to use this thery in my latest map i'm making to add a bit of stratagy to it. i almost had it though but the item kept spawning in the one place which woun't make tt very useful
Wow, I'm not sure if AZN is gonna yell at me for revealing his secret, but there is a way to make stuff spawn randomly. I won't reveal everything, but all I can tell you is to edit the minimum run time.
If you only have 2 places, then set the maximum run time to 1, then the minimum run time to one. It should work, though I am just taking an educated guess.
you can't change the spawn point so you have to use more than one item In order to get this to work you have to place you first item in the place you want then set the runtime minimum and maximum to both 1 set the first item to start at the beginning of the round and the second not to spawn at the beggining of the round change the respawn time to the first item to never and when it is destroyed the second will spawn due to the runtime minimum if you want the two items to switch back and forth as they are destoyed just change the first items spawn time from never and enjoy
if you have more than two items and the runtimes set to one they will go in a certain order too but never randomly
ah thank you i guess in order is better than nothing then cheers for the help guys Edit:i can't seem to get the runtime max to 1 its stuck on 2