POTC2: Dead Man's Chest MINI Game

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by madz333, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    Here we follow the story of Captain Jack, Will Turner, and the rest of the crew in the climax of the second POTC movie. Davy Jones and his crew are setting sail for Isla Cruces and there they meet Jack. Our mini games start with a ship battle at Sea.

    Gametype: SHiP CaNNoN
    Map: Isla Cruces
    #of Players: MUST BE FOUR(4)

    Ship cannon is a king of the hill gametype where the hill is over the ocean. Players must grab a rocket launcher(a cannon) and go onboard a ship(mongoose) and blast the other ship out of the water. Kills are one point. After the players respawn on shore ONE sword battle will occur(you only have 2 lives). The winner is the team of 2 with the most kills.

    Next is a Battle against Davy Jones (the juggernaut) who you can't kill unless you have his heart(custom powerup).

    Gametype:STaB THe HeaRT
    Map: Isla Cruces
    #of Players: at least 2

    Stab the heart is a juggernaut gametype where the juggernaut is Davy Jones and cant be killed unless you have his heart(custom powerup) which conviently spawns in the chest after 30 seconds. The person who kills Davy Jones wins.

    But Davy Jones' crew is coming after you so you have to run away.

    Gametype: PRoTeCT THe x
    Map: Isla Cruces
    #of players: 4-12

    Protect the x(heart) is an infection gametype where you have to fend off Davy Jones' crew to save yourself. Simple enough right. Right. Everyone starts with swords because this is a Pirate gametype and the humans(to give them a chance) are stronger than zombies so that the zombies have to team up and to give the humans a chance.

    Now for the pictures:
    An Overview:

    The ocean:

    The Beach(notice the chest)

    Incase you missed them here are the links:
    Isla Cruces
    Ship Cannon
    Stab The Heart
    Protect The x
  2. Hobo Wrath 69

    Hobo Wrath 69 Ancient
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    you need some pictures or this thread will get locked
  3. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    The pictures are right there I can see them with my own eyes. Are You blind or something, maybe your computer isn't working? But the pictures are there and embedded.
  4. Tahrann

    Tahrann Ancient
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    Or maybe they were just not there at the time he got on. Your pictures might have lagged. Either way that is no reason to be snippy, just focus on your map ok.

    Hmmm... in my opinion this map would get about a 2/5, just because there is little geomerging and interlocking and the rest of the place is pretty open. But it does have potential and does seem a little interesting. I would like a few more pics to know what I am getting myself into, if you could please.

    Isn't there a mini-game map forum?
  5. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Wow, bad review man, you can't simply determine how well done a map is based off geomerging and interlocking. Gameplay determines nearly everything. Next time, download and play it.

    This map has peaked my interest, and I will give it a DL when I can make some spare room on my hard drive. I think I'll download the last gametype, since I always play with larger parties. However, from the pictures of the map, it looks small and I see no weapons on the map, which may cause you to lose some downloads. I would consider taking a picture that shows the entire map, or a good overview of it. Also, since more people are probably going to be interested in the last gametype more than anything, provide a better description of it (like what weapons humans have, if they or cannot pick up weapons, etc.).

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
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    I dont know, this map seems average. I dont feel like downloading cause I have no interest to even try it. From the pics, i can see some areas were I can can escape already. I suggest adding more pics with each gametype so we know what we are going to be dealing with if some one does download it. As for now, i will give it a 2/5.
  7. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    yea criticism is good but come on,do you have to put every map you see down,give him a break,no wonder nobody wants to post on this site becuz they get made fun of when they do
  8. DeadLock25

    DeadLock25 Ancient
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    What's up Davy u didn't tell me you were working on a map like this. This seems really cool and I like how you geomerged the boxes. Im gonna DL and see how the gameplay works. The only thing i suggest is opening the map up a little more thus increasing the size. Overall this looks very good. 4/5 for the map but i still have to see the gameplay.

    P.S For those of you basing your review only on merging, the gameplay is more important than a few interlocked items and if it plays great, there doesnt necessarily have to be alot of interlocking. I want to see how you would react if people reviewed your maps strickly on the presence of interlocking, without ever bothering to play the game itself.
  9. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    In most cases, you're right. Interlocking is a mainly aesthetic technique that shouldn't heavily impact a review. However, when interlocking could greatly improve a portion of the map (Such as the wall of boxes in this case, or the "sea" of fence walls) its not unfair to drop points because of it.

    Anyways, its a pretty creative gametype, and an okay map you made to go along with it. 3/5.
  10. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    You never even downloaded the map and your judging it ONLY by the pics. That is a horrible review. You should download and see what kind of gameplay it has, instead of insulting it. But I have to agree. I think your right about the ability to break the map. You should make the boundaries higher so no one can escape. Make a v2 and add some cover and make higher boundaries. 2.5/5 for now. keep forging
  11. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    i cant tell from the angle of the pic is that structure in the first one a pirate ship or a building also for the infection you should give the humans pistols cause we are talking about pirates plus that way you can make the human strength the same as the zombies
  12. xKingSasquatch7

    xKingSasquatch7 Ancient
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    Ya I agree with you. You cant really judge a map by the pics. they could of just been bad pics. Plus its not always about if the map looks spectacular. If the map is fun to play on
  13. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    Looks very original, not very clean though. I like th little house, but seriously, great idea. Also, make it a little cleaner, and the wall, I kno u can get out with grenade jumping if you have any. You could put a custom power up in the chest to look like gold, and just for a prize, though its okay. Great job on it. 4/5, sloppyness.
  14. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    i dont agree! i think that this is pretty cool. theres lots of little parts to it. which i like. the only thing it can see thats wrong is if theres more than 4 humans. u should put more mongeese. its gotta be cool to have a bunch of sword fights. the map could be a bit better. maybe make a HUGE ship, but that would be hard.

    overall, this is really original and its a nice twist to infection. 9.5/10
    only -.5 cuz the map could use some improvement.
  15. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    The concept for this map is great, I simply love the amount of creativity you put into creating a "movie" map. I also really like the way that the map is compatible with multiple gameplays, each (I'm assuming) play completely different to one another.
    Some more pictures of that watchtower building would be nice.

    (Out of curiosity, why do most people numerically rate maps they have never played based entirely on how much interlocking was used, it basically screams "Don't bother reading this post, I'm pretty much just rating this based on how much interlox he used. After all, interlox = gameplay, right?")
  16. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    Hey Trifslap, about people rating based off of interlox. They are measuring how much of a life you have because "10/10 awesome interlocks" = no life.

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