Cratefrenzy A map packed full of in your face surprises "What the hell, did a dumpster just hit me right in the face"-anonymous tester "I've found the perfect spot...(death noise)...nevermind a forklift just skewered me in the back"-anonymous player On a day off from the usual work at the factory, factory workers made a couple of homemade cannons to just launch random crap and enjoy their day off. Well all the workers were having a good time until the infection spread. Now the uninfected take refuge on a suspended platform. However, they made a life threatening error, they forgot to turn the cannons off. Now they must outmanuever there mischeivious inventions otherwise they'll fall off into the waiting arms of their undead foes. This is just a crazy minigame map that is highly addictive to play. Click here to download Cratefrenzy Dodge This A game variant for Cratefrenzy The humans have a shotgun with limited ammo and normal gravity with 2000 percent damage resistance to prevent death by the guardians. The zombies wield the classic sword with instant kill on with 200 percent gravity to prevent the zombies from getting on the platform. Click here to download Dodge This! Enjoy the map guys!
What is it with all the Infection minigames? Hobo Heights, Necro Falls, the Swings, and now this. Ah well, minigames are fun. Queued ~Jakester1024
Yea i agree with Asper49, it looked better when u had the walls there. But everyone should check this map out. Its one of those gametypes thats easy to understand and lots of fun to play. Especially when u are successfully dogding all the crap its all like "omg... yes! omg..zombies..aaaa i felll!!! bulltrue! bulltrue! dead..."
Ya. Its fun when you're a zombie just watching and waiting for your prey to fall. I never thought I'd actually have fun watching others play.
If you stand at the edge, it's actually possible to get killed. The zombie might have to crouch jump though. So don't stay on the edge for too long.
OMG i f'ing love this! I just played it with my friends and it's hilarious to watch the dumpsters and forklifts flying at u! Plus it's very original. 10/10!!!
I have to patch the map and gametype, srry for those who have already downloaded it! Apparently the game type I have saved is no the same as the one you have downloaded. The alpha zombie can pick up weapons, that's what you get for having friends over. The map needs to patched as well, humans can get on top of the crates if a spool rolls over there. That's about it. On a different note I was playing with about 12 people last night and I was the zombie. AZN FTW was knocked off and as I lunged for him a spool got a bulltrue. Quite hilarious. I may add some walls back in for looks, but they weren't practical as the humans were being blown not only off the platform but out of bounds. I am making an different version of this map that will include king of the hill and an infections game types. The infection game type will have more interaction from the zombies. So, reply if you want to learn how to make crazy gametypes and expand your forge creativity. Go bump Asper49's bounce box on, that is a hilarious map as well.
Unfortunately, we played the game so many times that I it would take to long to go through and save it.