racetrack on foundry Pics Download High Rider: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=64042618
FIRST POST, NEEDZ MOAR INTERLOX Its pretty good, very smooth, even on the hills which is hard to do. Although I think it has way too many shield doors, but you probably ran out of objects or budget. Umm, plz don't say that your map is amazing next time, seems like your full of yourself. Other than that, nice first post I believe???
yeah no that wasn;t so supposed to mean i was full of myself more of an advertising thing thanks for the reply
well, i'm not the first post, but at least I played the map... This map has great interlocking and geo-merging. I was pleasantly surprised by the geomerging. You don't have any pics of it and I wasn't expecting it from a trainee. Very nice. The use of shield doors and the grav lift to aid turns are good. Not too many bad things to say about this one. There were a few bumps, but nothing too noticeable. The main thing is the shield doors that bounce you down to the original floor. They don't always work right away (normally you bounce three times, but sometimes I bounced up to five times). You should tweak those. And then there's the pallets. Why are they there? You interlock and geo-merge everything to eliminate bumps, and then you put pallets in there to cause bumps? Doesn't make sense to me. Get rid of 'em. Other than that, there is just the fact that the track was a bit bland at places (after shield door bounce), but it plays well, so who cares, right? A good smooth track. JimP factor: 57% Nice work.
good job on keeping yor race track smooth looks really good. just wondering how long this took u to make? and i thing that the U-turn looks amazing not sure if it had barrers round the edges but dont matter because its wide enough to control yourself so all in all 4/5 hope to see u making a map other than a racing map
This track is really smooth and clean and that's hard to pull off. Good job. Looks good. Two tips though.1: Don't say your map is amazing. 2: Don't take pictures in forge. That's frowned upon here at forge hub. Welcome to forgehub!
Alot of shield doors, and try to get your pics larger(i'm gonna have to reccomend photobucket.com). Looks great from the picture that you do have. Gonna have to test it out and see how it plays!
Looks effing amazing! Not often you get a race map that looks good, plays good, and has a interesting name. You've got another download. Have to agree with up top, WTF pallets? Anyway keep up the good forging!
Thanks for all the replys and tips everyone i take my pics from the theatar that is the only place you can take them in.
this is a okay racing map i down loaded it and raced on it it was pretty good very nice interlocking and geomerging i love that about racing maps is could be southed out some places but its pretty good thanks 4/5 good racing map
Can you please provide a gametype and some more details of the map? Other than that it looks really good. interlocking is good. Some parts of the map look like they are a little rough though.
He means don't take screenshots while watching the Monitor (Forge Mode) because it shows the white spawn cones.
I love the turns. Everything looks very smooth, and looks like u took ur time into making. Great interlocking and everything looks good. Good job, 9.5/10. I am going to DL, though im not rly a race track person. But, yeah, good job.
This map is great. I downloaded a long time ago when I did not know what forgehub was. I loved this map I would play it 3 times a day. I love the perfect interlocking and geomerging. 5/5