NOTE: Before you all criticize me saying i don't have pictures or actuall proof, i have found something all by my-self. And i believe its legit. I believe i have found proof of halo 3's next generation of forge, here is what happened: So, here i am on looking at halo 3 achievements. Then something caught my eye, the sandbox achievement picture. As you can see, it looks like a normal skull: Normal skull eh? Guess again. Here it is enlarged: = Hmmm, looks awfully like the monitor, huh? Could this be proof sandbox will be the next generation of forging? Well in my opinion maybe, Discuss. Oh and sorry if someone already noticed this.
Nice catch. It's looking more and more like this is oriented towards Forge, but who knows? We'll have to just hope that Bungie gets anywhere near to our way too high expectations.
this was noticed the day the new achievements were announced. Thanks for trying to bring it to everyones attention though.
Dreams for him = Crushed. It was a very nice catch that you found it and brought it forward for everyone to see.
Sorry, someone on already spotted this. But you do have a keen eye. I wouldn't have noticed that.
I noticed that there are going to be playlists on sandbox... So it has to have items on it already so that it's playable and stuff. You know what'd suck, if it was just a small box of sand with like shovels in it and stuff. Non-forgeable shovels of course.
I noticed this too. Sandbox has been mentioned as being part of the new DLC Matchmaking Playlist for the Mythic Map pack. Incidentally I think I recall that playlist being 4v4. Now what does that mean? Is it like Foundry in that they will have built a default map? Possibly... Of course, if Sandbox is supposed to be big, then that means Sandbox 4v4 DLC may be like Avalanche was with that annoying "Team Dual" or whatever *sobs*. Or, if it really is a forgey map like Foundry, perhaps they will have a built a smaller map on Sandbox so that it fits; interesting thought, though less likely. Anyhoo, I guess overall it doesn't really tell us much! haha. I tell you what though, just thought. Regardless of Sandbox being forge related or whatever, I think it probably will be a large map. Bungie tend to release at least one large map with each DLC Pack: Terminal, Relic, Containment, Rat's Nest, Avalanche. I'm pretty sure the other two maps in this pack are small/medium size, so all indicators point to this one being a large map.
This was also pointed out 6 days ago ... here Post #58
And also 'Sandbox' is the name of the map editor for many PC games such as Crysis, would be awesome if you could manipulate terrain... Anyhow thanks for pointing that out
Hate to burst your bubble even further but that looks like the Marathon symbol more then it looks like the Moniter.
Why did I not know about this. It feels like somebody just slapped me upside the head and said "What the f were you thinking Alex?". When is the map speculated to release?
I do not think it is the Marathon Symbol. That is the Marathon symbol... (The Top) And what does sandbox and an achievement have to do with Marathon??? [
Indeed I am, but in all honesty it does look more like a retarded monitor than a simplistic marathon symbol.
You can clearl see the Marathon symbol in the middle. The red lines are distinct shapes I saw. I see no similarities, other then the Marathon symbol in the middle of the Forge Moniters eye. What does the Marathon symbol have to do with Forge, Sandbox or the achievement? I don't know. What does the marathon symbol have to do with any of the places you can find it? The Marathon symbol is just there. Like all the references to the number 7. They're just there.