Zao Compound by africanBoi and TOOFGIB The Zao compound, a weapons facility during the great war, was abandoned long ago. However a small team of covenant forces(approximately 4) have gained control of the facility. Your mission if you choose to accept it is to lead your team of marines(approximately 4) into the compound to remove the insurgents and destroy the compound so it's secrets remain buried. You will be unloaded at the dockside in shipping containers. After the drop make your way into the compound's gates Once inside the base make your way to the hallway that leads directly into the storage area. Be on the watch, anything may help you complete these tasks. This Mission will self destruct in 5 seconds, after you download... -africanBoi
I see very little interlocking, no geo-merging, and yet, I love it. The simplicity of the design of the map looks like it will play rather well. Also what gametypes do you recommend for this map, because based off of its design, I would say one-sided gametypes like One Flag and One Bomb will work well on this.
I agree with the first post. There is very little interlocking, or geomerging that i can see, yet the design is really nicely thought out. It looks a bit smaller and open from the pictures, because you cannot see the wall in the middle very well, but there is a wall, and the map looks very nice, congrats. 4/5
ok sorry let me clarify, this map is made for one side game types, however it is also a good map for free for all and team slayer
needs mor interlockz... lol well if theres good spawning then im sure it will be good gameplay ...of course ive seen better asthetics in my days i will give it a 3/5 nice first post keep em coming and if u havent... check out forging 101 for all the forging techniques forging101 oh and by the way if u made that sig, its literally the best ive seen... can u make me one plz ill let u teabag my halo guy rofl
Regardless if there isn't any interlocking or geo-merging, it seems like an alright map. Like the other two posts, it has a great layout. 4/5 Congrats.
wasn't the zao compound a compound in china where they took hostages and left them there and the hostages created a society and everyone argued cuz there was barely any food? to the map: for some reason i am drawn to it. i dont care if it has interlox or geomerging because that is not wut makes a map, although it does make it more aesthetically pleasing, it has no affect on gameplay. so for all u people who said "needs more interloxorz 3/5" go play the map and stop putting out a number that means nothing ( im talkin to u higinia, just defy and triple08) i am going to download and see how it plays, then i will b able to give u an educated answer on how the map actually functions unlike the people who are judging ur map from the pictures above edit: diff compound nvm. but there was one out there!
Uhmm...I didn't say anthing about him needing more interlocking and merging. I clearly said, regardless if there is or not, it's still a good map. Read my post more clearly next time.
i think that if you were to interlock and geomerge it would make your map perfect but even so the map is still great looks liike it would play well with one bomb or one flag and maybe multi team but other than the no interlocking and geomerging id have to say good map hope to see more from you 4/5
I love it and who cares if this map has not much interlocking it looks FANTASTIC!!! You sertinly have my download lol Rofl lmao OMG WTF l8r
Sweet James, The map turned out great(It doesnt need to be interlocked the boxes are supposed to be that way) Also Nice Avatar 5/5
Not enough interlocking and geomerging. It seems to be a bit empty too, but it is pretty good, just interlock more, and it would be much better.
not a lot of interlocking like the people above me said but it is still a very nice map you sould add a game type for it because it seem like it needs it i thinking about D/L maybe thanks 3.5/5
OK for all you people who voted lame just because it doesn't have interlocking have no idea what Forge is about. Forge is about making great maps that produce great GAMEPLAY. Aesthetics only play a little part in what makes a map good or bad. Personally, I think this map looks very well thought out and looks like it would produce some spectacular gameplay. A definite DL for me. 5/5