For more ideas any readers want to develop, visit the link in my sig. If it's okay with debator, my thread and yours can make sort of team effort, to increase production.
but this thread actually has some nice ideas and is already building on top of yours. your thread just wasnt that great. this one is. byebye
Don't be rude, it's true that some really helpful ideas have come from this thread, but the less effective ideas and designs have been eliminated in part by Camel's thread. With all due respect, I'll agree to the team effort. I need all the help I can get to make this map look as realistic as I can. By the way, some of you are wondering what I have accomplished so far? It's not much, but I have started construction by starting with the cave in the help room. I created a tunnel using a geo-merged open double box, a bridge, and dumpsters. The open double box makes the cave look dark inside, and the bridge and dumpsters make the cave more like dirt, because they're brown. I also started building the wall around the cave, but unfortunately, I won't start forging until the weekend. I still need to decide on which window barricade system I'll use on the map. And yes, I'm seriously minding the item limit. I fear that I may have to decrease the amount of windows... unless I can get an idea that doesn't use pallets.
The gametype idea could work, but by abusing the charge shot, I meant, they would just charge shot, then a beatdown would make it an easy kill, that started from a distance. Seems unfair, and it's still a beatdown kill. Your weapon box idea, A) would drop all the weapons at one time, and B) isn't reliable enough. Problem. There are only four grav lifts. That's not enough to have the full random box, and two or three are already in use in other parts of the map. Easily abused. Someone could just stand there picking up and dropping weapons, letting them accumulate outside, and then you have a huge pile of weapons for everyone to have. Same as above. Also, it will always give certain weapons priority, it wouldn't be truly random. It would just be whatever weapon the game says is "on top". This is the most plausible, but also, it would be difficult to make it anti-cheat proof, and make sure that someone couldn't repeatedly go in. That's a good point, there's only a matter of time before the "too many on map" message pops up. Be sure to use the "avoiding weapon limit" guide. Also, I'll be sure to try and help this weekend.
Cool, I could use some help, because I need to start working on building the outer walls of the map and start building around the areas where I'll put window blockages (I'll fill in the gaps later on, when I know how I'm going to do this).
Couldn't you just remove shields and give the humans 300% damage resistance , that way it should be 2 beatdowns to kill but the charge shot wouldn't have nearly as large an effect. EDIT: I just tested this out, it works perfectly, its two punches for kill and yet it takes over 40 (not sure how much over) overcharge shots to do the equivalent of one punch. It also takes two punches to destroy a pallet.
Yeah but people will still spam it even if it does nothing, so just stick with a sword. Only if you you could take all the amo off the sword then it would be realistic... But yeah, the sword... his idea was better. you can have people beating you down realistically with the PP, or have zombies giong from 1 to 30 in .01 seconds with energy sword.
Well that's one way of putting it... I still need to work on the random box. Maybe I'll try a google search or something. XP
Random Weapon Box Make a box by interlocking walls below the map and put a weapon holder in it sideways and then put every weapon you want on the same weapon holder it makes you get a random weapon everytime. (Possible Glitch) Sometimes the bigger weapons get picked up first. Also people can look at the one they want and possibly get it or keep picking up weapons till they get what they want.
Now if only you could open and close that box at certain times. I was originallly thinking about a design for the box similar to your's, but then I realize that people would be able to constantly go into it until they got what they wanted.
Have the walls high so you cant look into the box and have a grav lift spawn underneath so the weapons randomly fly up and down and you just hold rb and it will pick one up. If you need help with this I will help you on the weekend im on all day all night so any time if thats ok. Send me a FR if you want help. (Friend Request) Also i'm a map breaker if you need testing done on the windows and switches and stuff.
The reason that won't work though, is that people could keep grabbing and dropping weapons, eventually creating a big pile for everyone to pick from.
well, that's inevitable no matter what. there really isnt a way to limit the number of times someone goes in. unless maybe if we had like a custom powerup when u go in, u grab it, the door closes behind u, u grab a weapon, then proceed to the tele that brings u back were u just were. then after 180 sec.(or 120 or something) the custom powerup respawns. then a little afterwards, the dumpsters respawn, and are waiting to close as soon as someone grabs the custom. so the door would work like this(sorry about crappy drawing): this may be the only way to prevent continually going in
I have a pretty good idea for a random box. It is basically just a tiny hole in the wall with a shaft behind it. On the top of the shaft is a gravlift that is there at the start. in the middle is a whole bunch of weapons set on a delay spawn for 2 minutes. At 2.5 minutes (or the setting right after 2 mins) another gravlift at the bottom of the shaft will spawn and all the weapons on the floor gets thrown at an angle towards the hole in the wall, where the person can just hold RB for a random weapon. THe other weapons will slide back down an angled path to the gravlift that will continue this cycle until the weapons disappear, and respawn again. Another idea I have is for the gametype. The effect of making the zombies more powerful as the game progresses can achieved by using respond settings. For example, the zombies can spawn with 90% health and use plasma pistols and they only do 50% damage and are really slow.After 1 minute, they spawn with energy swords, move slightly faster and kill in two slashes. After 3 minutes, custom power ups spawn and give the zombie even better stats and then they spawn with grav hammers. Also, if decide to just dump the whole random box thing, i recommend to just us the sentinal beam as the alien/laser/gun thing, and just hide it in a hard to reach spot. I hope this helps and if u need any help on the random box i described just send me a friend request.
Wow, sounds interesting. But it still posesses the same problem as the last idea. I think a switch expert could think of something here... unfortunately, I am not.