Here's the hint-It's on one of the non-campaign maps. Probably easier than the last one, good luck. I'm not sure how many of these there actually are, so try to get a picture. You must mention the map and location.
I'm going to guess Foundry, I can't really think of another map with that on it thats not campaign...
Possibly, but I'm not sure. There's another one I'm thinking of... HERE'S ANOTHER HINT-It's a non DLC map
Im going to guess Last Resort as well, the colour fits in and there are containers/crates on Last Resort.
High Ground, in the room you plant the bomb in with all the computers near the missile launcher. Do I win?
My friend, you are absolutely correct. :happy: Yeah you won. Try to post a harder one next time...this one only took a couple days to find. Here's location if you wanted to know.
Haha yay! That was actually really fun to do, I mean I went nuts trying to find it but it was fun. Are you gonna do another one anytime in the near future?