Moving to China Moving to China: Part II Moving to China: Part III Herro everyone (jk) .. lol K, hello everyone I'm back for the 3rd article of my epic adventure while moving to Hong Kong, China. I have now gone out some more, I've eaten a lot of weird stuff, I've successfully transferred into a communist... I guess, and have gone to school. Spoiler Hell on Wheels I went out for a while to many places that were kind of interesting. But the best place had to have been Ocean Park. It has rollercoasters, food, a lot of foreigners (which includes some hot american chicks), and pandas. Don't you say anything about pandas, because I could watch one of those things for like days. They are like overgrown cats, i guess. They are the shiz, cuz they will do anything, it's like the second you think of something that would be cool, they've already done it. They're just that amazing. So don't think otherwise about the pandas. Do not. Spoiler Pandas goin' Kiss Style Food has been kind of sucky, to tell you the truth. It's like you'd think that they'd have like sweet and sour chicken roasted in rice and with a side of water or something, but no. It's more like bloody squid with their eyes gouged out of their sockets all set with tea and a side of fish heads. YU-MMY. I thought it'd be a little better, so maybe a cross between, so like chicken and noodles. But I really guessed wrong. Some of it is good, I'll say. Some of it is good. Really. You may not know what the hell it is, but it's crunchy, cooked, and tastes like chicken, so it's good. I've also became a communist. I didn't know it'd happen, but somewhere in between the pandas and the fish heads, I somehow became a communist. Nothing much to say there. Spoiler Join the Club And now I've gone to school. I will tell you now, school is the most amazing place you'll ever be at. The classes may suck, the teachers might try and touch you inappropriately, but you meet a lot of cool kids, and I can actually spell better. See I'm on a laptop right now that doesn't have spell check and I've typed so many words in that I had no idea how to spell, but somehow I've gotten them all right. Normally, it's like every other word is incredibly out of whack. Okay, back to the subject, school... schoooly schoool.. Okay I'm going to an international school and there are mostly chinese americans, but there are a lot of others also. So it's pretty cool here and I also get frees and then you can basically go anywhere you want inside the school grounds. That's a lot better, cuz at my old school it was like a prison, during your study halls you were stuck in a room with like 40 other kids, you couldn't talk, you couldn't eat, you couldn't wear a hat, you couldn't even go to the bathroom. That sucked. Spoiler heh heh So now you have it, I moved from Wisconsin to China and there's nothing much more to it. I might make another article, but it will be a long while until I do so. I hoped you liked it and it's goodbye to the series... For now muhahahaha lol k bye...
communism is bad. u my friend have fallen into the domino theory. still ive heard china is a fantastic place. give my regards to ur teachers and the hot american chicks.
We have another convert. Also, congrats to fitting in, man. What's funny is that during spring break I'm going to Hong Kong. lol, maybe I'll see you there.
What's the best part of being married to a panda bear? Nobody notices the black eyes Spoiler plus, I mean, you get to **** a panda bear
maybe we'll see each other, idk, but I have no idea what u look like, id even know if ur a guy... but i think u r
I always find other cultures interesting. Often after meeting someone <insert ethnicity, race here> I usually check out the internet and compare the conversation to what the internet dictates. It always an interesting experience. So, Ocean park is like Six flags, but with pandas? Tell us more about the food. Why is it you can spell better now? Oh god, I feel so nosey now.
Less rides, more animals, less walking, more escalators, more.. different things. The casual food is actually decent, but the more authentic stuff is really really bad. At least in the u.s. they'll disguise the shrimp by cutting their heads off, but here they leave whiskers, eyes, and all. I don't know why I can spell better. I guess from typing a bunch on the internet... which really makes school look bad. Yes, you are surprisingly... nosey... [perv] -jk EDIT: and who answered no in the poll. I feel very depressed now. Thanks alot, jeeez. ;.. ( EDIT 2: hardy har har har
When I was in Beijing, the street vendors were selling skewered rats, monkey brains, and roasted crickets. I'm not even ****ing joking.
Wait, I forgot about this big market... They sold frogs, turtles, pig snouts, and a bunch of flopping fish.
Yeah China has a bunch of weird food, like dogs! I went there to visit my grandparents and for that 1 month i had already tried like 5 different kind of snakes, frogs, turtles, some kind of dog (not domestic), rabbit, and a bunch of other stuff. And pandas are beast.
Usually those open markets in poor areas are not places you want to get food. My dad said he got sick once in the Philippines when he ate one of them big market areas.
k, i'll remember that... but stuff like dogs is even weird here. But i bet in actual china it's different