How to Make Custom Colored Controllers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Grif, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    Well today I noticed one of my controller's "A" button felt stiff and I decided to do something about it. Before Forge Hub and Achievement Junkie I was at Se7en Sins. And I modded my controller black BEFORE Microsoft decided to sell black controllers. So I thought it would be cool to show you the guide I made to modding your controller's shell. Now lets go back in time to the year 2007...

    This is a pre-moded controller I did earlier, but I didn't want to do it to my other controllers. The tool I use to point with is made for the screws on the back of a 360 controller.
    This is how you do it.

    First un-screw all the screws.

    2. Then take of the battery pack and poke through the Microsoft sticker to get the last screw. (Mine doesn't have it since I already modded it.) (Once the sticker is broken the controller is no longer under warranty if it was.)

    3. Then just take the back off. (You may have to maneuver it some)

    4. Now take out the chip and the rumble things. (Once again you may have to maneuver it some)

    5. Now take off the rubber thing over the D-pad

    6. Then unscrew it. (Philip) Then push on the little clips on it to push it out.

    7. Now take off the other rubber thing and dump out the buttons.

    8. To take off RT and LT look at this site (its a pain to do so I didn't do it)
    Fantasy360 Install Pix - a photoset on Flickr

    9. Here are the pieces you should have minus RT and LT. (Just don't lose any ok)

    10. Now snap the D-pad on to the new shell (still the same one for me) and screw it in. Then put the rubber thing on.

    11. Now put in the buttons.

    12. Put the rubber thing on and you should get this.

    13. Put the LB/RB thing on (I didn't tell you to take it off, because I didn't have to, but it can help.)(Watch the system set button. Make sure you can push it in before you screw the controller back together.)

    14. Put the controller chip back ing and the rumble things in the places.

    15. Put the back on.

    16. Screw it in (Don't forget about the system set button)

    17. Here is the finished product.

    There you go. Visit that link for more help. Thank me if this helps. I'll sell this for $105 ($50 for the controller+$30 for having the plate sent to me+$5 for me putting it together+$20 because I need money) PM me if you want it. Hope this helps. (Sorry about bad quality images. You try holding the camera with one hand while working ont he controler.)
    (The "Thank" button is a great thing to click)
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I don't get it.
  3. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    OMG! that is sweet. I will try this with one of my old controllers, and yes it is a little confusing lol
  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    what did you even do? It looks exactly the same...
  5. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Where do you get new shells, like the guy that did it on that Flickr link?
  6. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Ily <33333

    ima make mine purple <3
  7. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    Here is where you can get some cases. You need that tool listed on this page to open the shell.

    Xbox 360 Cases / Shells
  8. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    You mean I make my broken controllers come to life?! Awesome!
  9. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    I believe he had already spray-painted it (the mod). He was showing the process of taking the controller apart.

    I thank you for this tutorial, because I have been pondering on if I should take my controller apart. I have subscribed to this thread so I can come back to it for help.
  10. E93

    E93 Guest

    Er...Grif, isn't modded content against FH's rules?
  11. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i think grif is talking about painting rather than modding the controller
  12. Skill Caster

    Skill Caster Ancient
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    Sort of, but this isn't exactly something that gives an unfair advantage. It's just something that gets your interweb points at LAN parties.
  13. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    Updated title, I hope this helps.

    For the record. I do not condone cheating, this mod does not help you cheat. It is only aesthetic.
  14. E93

    E93 Guest

    Ooh, kewl.
    I didnt really get what you were trying to do when you took it apart and put it back, so yeah.

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