Escape Legend Happy Birthday [unnamed] Please vote on which is your LEAST favorite screenshot. Feel free to comment - especially if you have an idea on what to name the last one.
Thanks, but I'm curious as to what people like the least out of the 4. I'm trying to decide on the best three pictures.
Not a big fan of the 3rd one. It's like a less hilarious version of the old "I'm Not Gay" screenshot.
I don't really like the second one very much. I don't think that the lightning fits ell on the soldier. The best way to fix this would be to send a rocket behind him and wait for it to dissolve slightly so you must have the lighting before taking the screenshot. My favorite has to be the fourth one. it really makes you see the effort bungie puts into making an incredibly detailed game. ~forgegod117~
I'm not a big fan of the third screenshot, but they're all pretty good. My second least favorite is probably the first one. Legend is just plain awesome.
My least favorite is the third one just cuz it's been done before. But a lot better, cuz it's got that whole "I'm super gay!" Feel to it. The last one is my favorite just cuz I really haven't seen many troop hog pictures yet.
I like the third one. I like happy pics like that lol, no i am not gay i just like the arbiter having a birthday its funny.
there's something about "happy birthday" that i don't like maybe its the confetti but #1 #2 and #4 are good
Any ideas on what to name the 4th one guys? If I wanted to be obvious I could go with "Rocket Hog" I suppose... Other choices are.... I dunno. "Ridin Dirty" maybe.. lol.
No. I just always wanted to drive a transport hog filled with rocket guys. 'Cause I mean really, what's more badass than that? Rocket Transport hog beats Tank. Rocket Transport hog beats Scarab! Rocket Transport hog beats Everything!!