Eight Emerald Legs Created by: Felipe Dos Recommended Players: 6-14 Recommended Gametypes: Jumping Snipers, 1 Flag, 1 Bomb As aesthetics become increasingly prevalent in the minds of mapmakers, it is now common to see a beautiful piece of virtual architecture adorning the center of a map, serving no purpose other than being pleasurable to the eye. However, Felipe Dos has transcended such thinking yet again, having built what he calls “a playable aesthetic” creation. Eight Emerald Legs is Felipe Dos’ second official outing into the realm of Forge, and the centerpiece is truly a marvel to behold. Domineering over the length of the map is a spider of gargantuan proportions whose very legs alter the landscape of Blackout itself and change the game play one would normally encounter on the dark map. Asymmetric games make particular use of the layout, as attackers spawn atop the arachnid and descend onto the map proper for intense close-quarters combat. Due to an amazing blend of aesthetic-oriented forging and a great focus on game play, Eight Emerald Legs is definitely worth a download. - written by SargeantSarcasm Download Eight Emerald Legs Download Jumping Snipers View Original Forge Hub Thread for More Information
I saw this coming. So deserves the feature and for everyone to download One of the best aesthetic maps EVER.
oh,this is a suprise,its only the best looking map ever built. i dont see why this would be featured put something without interlocking on our front page. the staff are corrupt for displaying this. and if you didnt get the messege,this is a really great map and I think its worthy of the feature bestowed on it.
I love how whenever you see a good map in the recent map section you can tell if it's gonna get a feature or not. I saw this one coming, good pick staffers.
It's about time this was featured! I knew it would be featured the minute I saw it. Gratz to Felipe on Premium =D
this looks amazing this would have to be one of the best maps ive seen on blackout so far. the spider looks amazing, and the way you altered the gameplay of the overall map with the legs was great. definatly downloading this.
This map is simply the most incredible looking map ever. I actually have a screenshot of it as my laptop background. It looks so awesome. I love how you geomerged it to actually change the original Blackout. The shield doors are a nice touch as they warn you of your imminent death. If only there was a way to get rid of that annoying elastic barrier. I think it would be epic if you could do a version of this that has a couple legs that are actually climbable but that would be pretty hard to make it look good in the process. Even if you don't fear spiders, this map is enough to make you crap your pants. Congrats of the feature.
Downloaded this as soon as I saw it in it's original thread. I think it's a great feature and a very fun map to play in, not to mention the "WOW" factor when you just look up.. surprised many friends doing it.
yes congragulations i knew this would be feature, greatest astetic map then the transformer project, actualy its better congrats on premium!
An amazing aesthetic piece. It's also nice to see a good non-foundry map for once. We all saw this coming, which is just a testament to how well made this map is. Gud job 5/5 =D
finnaly. As soon as i played this i knew it was a feature. it is the best map on blackout. great job felipe. Premium =]
Congratulations Felipe! This is one of the most extraordinary maps I have every seen on Blackout. This should have been featured a while back.
Tremble before the mighty Corpser! er... spider. A wonderfully aesthetic map Felipe, both in looks and gameplay. This is the best Blackout map I've ever played on and I knew this would be featured the moment I laid eyes on it. Congrats on the feature, and congratulations on becoming the newest premium member!
Wow this map looks really awesome, never see many on Blackout at all, and this kills a bunch that I have seen on their. Great interlocking, and this looks very nice and professional, great job, and I give it full score, and gratitude.