Map: When the 1v1 tournamnet began, it got me intrerested in some small, tight maps. I started to work on one and produced this. It is a tight asymmetrical map with to levels meant for 1v1, 2v2 or 3 FFA Slayer games. The two floors are connected by a series of hallways or use the lift to get to the second floor quickly (and noisily). There are three power weapons on the map: a shotgun, a rocket (with only one round) and a firebomb grenade (if you consider this a power weapon). From the bottom level (also the garage), you can see outisde its gates but you can`t get out Just for he heck of it, there is a sniper and a machine gun turret outside, see if you can it in. Screenshots The Outside Box with Fence Flooring Slanted Hallway Second Floor with Lift First Floor / Garage More Screenshots Weapons 4 Battle Rifles 1 Shotgun 1 Magnum 2 Assault Rifles 1 Needler 1 Spiker 1 Rocket 2 SMGs
Good action pics man. Its kinda hard to take screenshots of a close quarters map but I think you did a pretty good job.
Ummmmmmmm....The only way you will get my download is if you fix the pics and give overview pictures.
If you could please put white spaces inbetween each picture, it makes it easier to see whats going on
This looks kinda cool dude.. I see alot of originality in those pics and I like it. Just once concern tho is some of it looks a bit messy. Not so much that you didn't line things up, but it looks like so many pieces of scenery coming together in one spot. Kinda overwhelming, but Ima DL neways just to check it out. Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
this looks cramped for 1v1 but the good kind of cramped (continuous action WITHOUT spawn camping cramped)