Unfortunately my brother made a stupid password for xbox live and he forgot it so i can't post anything on bungie so i do not have a link to download this map so you will have to go to my file share to get it at my gt=Shadowforge14 although i took photos with my camera but they are kinda crappy but o well SO basically extreme soccer is 4 raised goals o each side of the field you have gravity hammers and you have to hit the soccer ball through the man cannons which hit the ball towards the goal. But the thing is that in each goal there is a goalie with a gravity hammer to hit the ball out This is what the goalie in the goal looks like (just type in the link to get to the picture) This is sorta what it looks like when you hit the ball away as a goalie (just type in the link to get to the picture) There is really no scoring involed in this it is mainly a for fun game so yah But you should use somewhere between 12-16 players because you need at least 4 goalies foreach team because otherwise you could score very easily but youshould only ned 2-4 players on the field for each team PLEASE DO NOT GET MAD AT ME FOR THE LINK NOT BEING THERE DEAL I WISH I COULD BUT I DONT HAVE MY ACCOUNT ON BUNGIE.NET SO YAHHHHHHHHHH AND MAINLY HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! I need 15 people to help me test this map if you would like to test it with me send me a message or comment or whatever 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) send me messages NOW!!!!!!!!!!
someone, please be senseful enough to delete this... You have to have embedded pictures (at least one) and have a good description, with a download link...not your fileshare, your FILE... someone lock please? lol at your fail pics
First of all, welcome to FH. If you want to see the rules of posting your map just See the first post above all the other ones. And next time please take the time to embed your pics. Even though your new to Fh, that wont give you a break, because it has a mandatory read post.
im sure it will count as spam posting what im about to say but this map is so funny ^.^ i cant even think about how bad this guy messed things up on here go get a bungie account and then come back here and fix this forum if you need any help at all please pm me and ill show you what to do. (****ing noobs)
uhhh nice pictures. even though u did embed ur pictures. theyre from a camera taken on ur tv. and there's no way for us to download it if u got banned from bungie
i'm sorry to say this but you really don't understand what this site is about your pictures are a joke and the red text is just stupid please remove it As for your map from what i can see which isn't much its fairly basic please look around the site to see what a map and a post should look like if you have questions of need help click my name and send me a private message
He has 24 hours to figure something out. He obviously knows how to post maps, but just can't because he cant access his account right now. Anyone posting about the quality (or lack thereof) of the post, pictures, download link, etc etc etc, after this will be neg repped and/or reported and/or have yomtvraps sent after them. =P
This post does not meet the Forgehub standards. I understand that you are lacking a B.net account, but that gives you even more reason to not post your map. What's the point when no one can download?
lol, did you give yourself a 5-star rating? Oh and since everyone else has talked about the post, id like to say that your map(from what is shown) is extremley bare and unoriginal. But idk try taking more pictures so we know whats going on.
You can post your map even if you are not connected to Bungie.net Just go to the Halo 3 player search and type in your gamertag. Your stats/everything will come up and there will be a button for your fileshare. Just put the link to your fileshare.
who the hell gave this map 5 stars? by the way, great pictures. I can almost see whats in them.Almost. by the way, please please, just go to your friends house to get the pictures and do it there, also make him build the map too.You kinda suck. [IN MY OPINION].....if you even have any friends.Anyways, my eyes are bleeding, so please someone lock this thread. edit:not to sound like a jerk and all, but with all due respect, look up some forging tuts, build about 10 more maps that you put effort into, and THEN maybe post a map.with embeded pictures that is.
Why does everybody have to be such a jerk? Ya I know the mans post is kind of cruddy, but it's not his fault, his little bro screwed up his account and he just wanted to share his map with everyone. I'll help you test it. My GT is the same as what you see here. send me a message over XBOX Live so I can help. Welcome to Forgehub.