lol i thought you were dead well this is epic win sauce, i can't wait to try some ffa fiesta, can you give a description of the gametypes though? i have no idea what rockets and nades are, unless it's just rockets with frag grenades, you know what forget that. Whats evil dead?
I know youve heard this many times before, but this really is ground breaking. I really need to check this out for myself.Not only could this tactic be applied to mazes but perhaps in the future an entire mini slayer map made of something like this. Kudos :]
For those that don't know I finished my "Forging Theory: My Anti-Foundry" and "Forging 101: Randomization" articles... they are posted in Halo Forge Discussion. And we found a new gametype that works on this as well... my old gametype called "In the shadows"... this is perfect for ItS...
I remember you showing me this like...I dunno, before you got banned first. lol. And then you accidentally deleted it. That SUCKED. This one looks about the same though. Did you recover it, or start from scratch?
I started from scratch... the layout is quite different. I had a perfect center last time I made the layout by accident... oh well. It came out well. I'm happy... I'm off to forging on Sandtrap, Avalanche, and more Foundry... maybe even Narrows...
The random walls is an interesting concept for many different gametypes, Fiesta slayer (random weapon starts) made the random layout even more random for when I play tested it with a few friends. My enthusiasm to play Peasant Hunt on this was unexplainable, since I love that gametype, but the gameplay was somewhat lacking. There were too many open spots in the map and that made it seem like the map's true potential for being an amazing Peasant Hunt map wasn't met. A kind suggestion for an update is to add fence walls into the mix, it would really boost Peasant Hunt's gameplay potential higher by making it more claustrophobic, and if you don't want the fence walls to spawn in slayer you could make them asymmetric only.
nice map you did a very good job with the whole interlocking the top part of the map and everything looks very good
Thank you... and can I get a mod to move this over to Casual please? Also I linked the Forging 101 on the post... here it is... Forging 101: Randomization
See it doesn't take a lot of fancy interlocking or geomerging to make a sexy map, just a well executed idea, i don't know if there's any other maps that change like this, but this is really unique, i love speed swat, great job =] edit even tho im a little late i hada comment it
I've downloaded this and it looks like it should be awesome for shotties. good job with randomisation, i'll have to creat my own map based around this.