Comment saved for v2 thanks for the feed back... did you even download? BTW You said it was great yet only one star?
OMG THI5 IS GAY NO INTERLOCK 1/5!!!1!1!1one. just kidding, it looks good, great first post, and good interlocking and merging, gameplay and capture the flag look great on this. anyways 4/5 good first post
overall, it seems like you sort of made a remake of purple monsters, where the defenders defend their flag, instead of their lives, but it looks like it might be a bit heavily weighed towards the defenders. How much testing have you done? Also, not to be mean or anything, but to help with the appearance of your map, maybe put the boxes that are stacked up as a barrier, you could flip upside down and vertical, with the bottoms looking in, to clean it up. Maybe another aspect you could add is like.. every 30 seconds, a plasma grenade spawns, for use by an attacker once, or maybe even longer like 60 seconds, just to act as a power weapon. Is it possible for the defenders to spawn kill the attackers right after they spawn? that is another point that could be found If you have had any testing. 4/5 for creativity [copied from other ideas [combined]] 3/5 for for merging/aesthetics, and 4/5 for the post, overall about 3.78/5 great for a first post. Happy forging
This does seem like a very original idea and a great map. The interlocking is good although you can do alot more of it with the bridges and all and maybe a little bit neater. My only suggestion would be to Increase the size of the map and implement the whole foundry floor. This looks like a very good map and seems pretty fun. Congrats on first post. 4/5
this seems like a pretty easy idea get the falg and dont get shot i wonder if the team with snipers only get 2 snipers to use if so that mean only two people would snipe at a time but the sniper spawn time is 10 sec so i guess that makes up for it good geomergeing and interlocking 4/5 thanks alot im so going to D/L
The pictures dont make the map look that long, and make it seem extremely easy for the people trying to avoid snipers. Do the bubbleshields spawn during the game? Because that would make it more understandable.
this does look like a really fun map and its very creative because from the name i just thought this was going to be sniping cones or something but you really impressed me by making it a CTF map so i give it a 4/5 for creativity and good interlocking
the first 2 pictures are the only ones showing up, the rest are broken links, might want to fix that... anywho, ive seen a lot of maps similar to this, so u might want to choose something a little more original if ur aiming for a feature or anything like that. also, the run from the flag to the capture point seems a little short, maybe its because of the bubble shield and the dc's but if the team on offense has any sort of coordination it gets really easy. good map though, and a solid first post at that.
well i like it but the escapability is 1/5 (that means easy) wall jump and shoot the fusion coil lol if u can make it...