Maximum Security Correctional Facility Created By: DeadLock25 Recommended gametype: Don’t Drop the Soap Recommended players: 5-10 players If you are the lazy sort and do not want to occupy yourself with all of the reading, I have marked the most important parts with (*).I do however recommend reading the whole thing as it will help to better understand the map. This is my first posted map on forgehub so if anything isn’t up to standards I apologize in advance. Please let me know if something is wrong and I will fix it as soon as possible. B[FONT="]uilt in 2496 as an asylum, the psychopaths from all around the globe were the only ones to see its interior. The amount of patients started to deplete as time passed and people were "cured". It was eventually closed down due to its useless nature and reconstructed as a full time high standard security prison and renamed Maximum Security Correctional Facility (MSCF for short). Harsh treatment conditions for the prisoners and the constant eye of the ruthless guards makes this a truly unpleasant place to be. Strict laws and regulations with a painful death as a consequence have made it very infamous among the law disregarding community and is widely know to all those who chose the wrong path as the "True Hell on Earth". Due to the danger of the inmates and the fact that this building is being improved upon everyday in construction, it has been sealed shut from the inside and out. It is said to be virtually inescapable but some insist on trying still to this day...hoping one day to actually be able to roam free in the metropolis that stands outside the walls of the harshest prison in the world. [/FONT] [FONT="] This map is a [/FONT][FONT="]cops [/FONT][FONT="]and[/FONT][FONT="] robbers[/FONT][FONT="] map with a twist. It was based around the idea of escaping the prison and the hiding in the city that is stationed outside. This sort of game-play offers freedom to the players and is fun for everyone. Most of the maps like this (cops and robbers) only allow the cops/guards to be entertained since the prisoners can’t do anything but stand there and obey, and with only one (or in some cases none) way out its is very hard for the humans/prisoners to actually win or survive the round. I’ve gone to change all that by creating a map of my own and implementing a variety of different ways to escape as well as numerous opportunities to survive. [/FONT][FONT="]*[/FONT][FONT="]I have tried my best to create a game with as few honor rules as possible and at the same time make it fun and enjoyable for everyone involved. Unfortunately I could not completely get rid of the honor rules so a few still exist. These two (or three) simple to follow rules include: The guards cannot kill the prisoners unless the prisoners disobey them (the guards should give warnings before shooting), assassinate one of the guards or try to do so, shoot the guards, or if they escape the prison or try to do so. The prisoners are allowed to roam free inside the confines of the prison unless told otherwise by the guards. If someone escaped or has tried, a nice thing to do would be to give them a warning to get back inside the prison or not to do it again, then killing them if the don’t obey. They could always return the favor. This is not necessary but it is something that my friends implement while playing and overall it makes the game much more enjoyable. [/FONT][FONT="]*[/FONT][FONT="]There are about 50 different hiding spots all around the map including inside the prison. Escaping is somewhat easy if you know what you are doing. With about 8 different ways to escape it should not be a problem. Some escape opportunities are much easier than others as shown in the pictures. There are objects inside that can aid you in the escape. These include 2 deployable gravity lifts inside the prison which can be used in the courtyard to get out, but be weary as the guards can come after you just as easily. Once outside you are able to use the environment as you please. The map has multiple structures on it which you are able to utilize for cover and in the end, survival. There are about 7 of them total. When you are outside you can use any of hiding spots around the map which include but are not limited to hiding inside, next to, on top of, around, and behind various objects on the map such as pallets and crates. You can just use your imagination and finding them won’t be a problem. Using the hiding spots inside the prison as well as outside is the only way to survive the round other than assassinating the guards. There is a Garage which is connected to the prison and is accessible via a door by both the guards and the prisoners[/FONT] [FONT="]This game consists of 6 rounds. Each round is 3 min .This makes the game play a little more challenging. Another reason for the short time is the fact that everyone has one life and those unlucky enough to die don’t have to wait as long. [/FONT] [FONT="]The prisoners start out in the respective holding cells either on the top or bottom floor. The guards start out near the main entrance of the prison, which can be easily opened by using the power drain found upstairs. The prisoners upstairs are the lucky ones since the have the easiest opportunity of escape. The prisoners can work together to outsmart the guards or can escape and look out for themselves. They can either trick the guards by using the environment to their advantage and then escape or stay inside the cells and wait for the right distraction. There are 2 guards and the rest are prisoners although this can be changed if there is a large amount of players. The prisoners have radars which helps them in the long-run. The guards have to rely on their eyesight alone. Since some people will have trouble figuring out the escape routes I will point out most of them or list hints to their location. I’m not saying you need to get out of the prison to survive because the prison has a few good hiding spots of its own, but it would increase your chances of surviving the round. The pallet that is located in the courtyard. Using the gravity lifts to get out via the courtyard. By going through the door leading to the garage. The windows located upstairs. The front door. (opened by throwing a power drain near the fussion coils.) There is a hole in the ceiling near the hangar door. [/FONT][FONT="]*[/FONT][FONT="]GAMETYPE SETTINGS[/FONT][FONT="]:[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT] Spoiler [FONT="]*IMPORTANT*[/FONT][FONT="]: Do not change the setting to more than 3 guards as there are not enough spawn points. This is why I recommend my own game-type which can be found on my file share. Everyone has 1 life per round.[/FONT] [FONT="]The Prisoners[/FONT] [FONT="]:[/FONT][FONT="] Default settings. [/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]Primary weapon: Magnum No secondary weapon. Weapon pickup: Enabled Speed: 90% Gravity: 100% Default sensors Forced color: [/FONT][FONT="]ORANGE[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]The Guards[/FONT][FONT="] Damage resistance: 1000%[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]Normal Shields No Shield recharge (0% recharge rate) Primary Weapon: Shotgun Damage Modifier: 200% Infinite ammo: Enabled Weapon pickup: Disabled Default Movement Radar: Off Forced Color: [/FONT][FONT="]BLUE[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]Weapons and Equipment on map:[/FONT] [FONT="] Shotgun x3 Sword (hidden somewhere on the roof) x1 Machinegun turret x1 Plasma turret x2 Firebomb Grenades x3 Power Drain, Trip mine x2 (each) Grav lift, Flare x3 (each) Active Camo (Respawn Rate Never) x1 Overshield (Respawn Rate 120 sec) x2 Custom Powerup (Respawn Rate 90 sec) x1 [/FONT][FONT="]Custom Powerup Traits[/FONT][FONT="]:[/FONT][FONT="] Duration: 30 seconds DMG ressitance: 200% with 2x overshield. 90% recharge rate. Damage modifier: 0% and infinite ammunition. Speed: 150% Gravity: 75% Sensors: 10 Meters (Enhanced Mode) Forced color: [/FONT][FONT="]White [/FONT][FONT="]Waypoint: Visible to Everyone [/FONT] [FONT="]The basic idea behind the custom power up is that it can benefit both sides. (guards and prisoners.) It gives the guards an enhanced, 10 meter radar for 30 seconds, which helps in finding the hidden prisoners as well as offering a speed boost. But it forces the guards to do absolutely no damage and lowers their damage resistance which makes them very vulnerable. As for the Prisoners it gives them speed boost and additional protection but at the cost of having a point over your head which everyone can see for 30 seconds. It’s a short term benefit and a burden in one. [/FONT] [FONT="] Now for some pictures: This is the prison itself. As you can see from just this picture alone there are a few ways out. The invisibility seen above the main door can be used to try and assassinate the guards. [/FONT] [FONT="] This is the courtyard of the prison. The pallet (respawns every 20 sec) is the easiest way out. One of the gravity lifts is located above the second story cells. [/FONT] [FONT="] These are the bottom cells. At the end is the courtyard. The stairs lead upstairs to the eating quarters while going past the stairs leads to the front door and the Cleaning rooms (shower, toilets). [/FONT] [FONT="] This is the second floor of the prison. A few hiding places can be seen. The power drain that can be used to open the front door is located here. [/FONT] [FONT="] This is the bottom floor. The front door of the prison can be seen here (fusion coils). The cleaning area is also somewhat visible in between the 2 “B” signs. The second gravity lift can be found behind the wire spool. [/FONT] [FONT="] This is one side of the whole map. It holds a few of the structures and numerous hiding spots. [/FONT] [FONT="] The other side of the map. (The hallways in the back are not connected together) [/FONT] [FONT="] This is the garage. It is connected to the prison via a one way door. The Custom powerup which sits in the middle of the map can be seen here. Gameplay pictures. This is the easiest way to escape. Just jump on the pallet and jump again. This is what you want to do when you play. [/FONT] [FONT="] This person attempted a more risky escape and failed miserably. This is not how you want to end up while playing. [/FONT] [FONT="] Here is an example of someone using the environment to their advantage. Since the prisoners have radar it is much easier to switch hiding places before you can be seen. [/FONT]Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ ___ ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch[FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]*[/FONT][FONT="]That’s it for my description. I hope everyone who took the time to read this enjoyed it and hopefully would be kind enough to give me their download. I have been working on this map for a while now and I keep updating it to make the gameplay more enjoyable. I want to thank: ~D4VY JON3S ~FTR CHURCH AO for helping me out in finding glitches or exploits in the map, as well as helping me fix them and greatly improving the map in the process, and also for being there during the boring process of making the map. Also thanks to anyone who helped me test out the map. [/FONT][FONT="]*[/FONT][FONT="]I have worked hard and long on this map and I want to see everyone enjoy it. I appreciate any constructive criticism and any tips that would help me improve my map. If you guys have any questions please let me know. Feel free to contact me on my gamertag - DeadLock25. I also have an old version of this map which I build long ago. This map is the new and improved version as the other had little or no merging and was less entertaining. If anyone is interested in seeing the old version please let me know. By the way I didn’t take off the roof to take pictures because the pictures I have so far, almost fully show the whole prison. [/FONT][FONT="]THE MAP ITSELF[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]THE GAMETYPE[/FONT][FONT="] HIGHLY RECOMMENDED[/FONT][FONT="] (the game cant be played properly without it)[/FONT]
This the most exelent cops and robbers map i've seen so far... I'll give it a download and try it out. 4/5 (lots of good maps recently)
This map looks very well put too geather, but when i saw it was for cops and robbers, it killed it for me I hate that gametype so much. But on the other hand, map looks awsome
Thanks like i said if u guys have any questions or concerns please let me know. Katana master please let me know what you think after you try it out.
Alot of people don't seem to like cops n robbers :/ I find it enjoyable with people who play it correctly and aren't like 5 years old... Editz: I will do ;]
Congrats Deadlock, this turned out amazing. The forging is excellent and it plays amazingly. I am proud to be one of the testers and I challenge anyone to get a double kill on the cops. If you can kudos to you. Here is a breakdown of how I rate your map: Forging - 4.9/5 Gameplay- 4/5 Aesthetics - 4.5.5 Overall - 4.6/5 NOM NOM NOM, I love the cafeteria. Ha HA D4VY JON3S
YES! thank you. i undesrtand if u dont seem to enjoy a game of cops and robbers as its not the best thing in halo, but when played correctly with mature enough people it can be fun. u definetly shouldnt play this with litlle kids though. D4VY thanks i know u know how to do the cop thing and its very much possble thanks for the review
WOW man that a great map i really like the courtyard you made( i like that the most) (hey man i have a Q: ill send you in a sec.)(about the custom powerups) But this is an awesome map dude... i give it a 5/5>>>
I wouldnt say its a well made map, but the gameplay is what matters and in that case it looks phenomenal.Work a bit on the interlocking though. 4.5/5
This looks really interesting, I would like to get a big group and try this, I sure will tonight, I hope it goes well, I will rate then
Have you actually forged through the map? The interlocking is beyond phenomenal. It is as close to perfect as it gets. I hope you actually played a game on this before you said anything because you obviously didn't. You probably didn't know what to say and you didn't want to get infracted for spam because there wasn't much else in your comment. Please think again. D4VY JON3S
Although the map is good, not necessarily great, this concept is way overdone. If you are going to bank on an old game try to add a twist to your version. Whether it be some new trigger system or a detailed schedule for the inmates, anything to liven up a an old gametype. And while you say you've added a twist the concept of breaking out of prison is pretty much in every cops and robbers game and thus is nothing new. This is probably the best to implment this concept but it is most definitely not an original one. 3/5
wow, for a cops and robbers map this is the best one ive seen yet, the design and layout is pretty good, and you interlocked but not that much. anyways 5/5 for a C and R map
I don't mean to be disrespectful but it seems like you actually haven't played the game and just based your review off of the description that I've provided. However if you did play the game I apologize. I understand that the concept of cops and robbers is overdone and i couldn't agree with you more. I did not however use the term "original" anywhere in my post so I don't quite understand what you are referring to there. Not every cops and robbers map has a prison from which you are allowed to escape and this is what i provided in my map. The reason i said my map has a twist to it is the fact that the prisoners are able to escape very early on (as fast as 5 sec into the round) and my map doesn't focus around staying inside the prison, or having a schedule as that can get very repetitive and boring, but on working together to escape and/or survive the round. The cops don't have it as easy as they do in other gametypes because their job is to keep the prisoners inside and at the same time not get killed or fooled by those who escaped or are trying to escape. This makes the game a little more competitve for both sides. Thanks for your review though and if I do deside to build another map like this I will take your review into account. Edit: I realize my interlocking isn't the best in some places but its there even in tiny increments, although it cant be seen in the pictures that much. D4VY you don't have to get mad at someone for criticizing my map, it helps me to improve it.
I must say this is one of the cleanest maps I have ever seen, nice interlocking looks nice and big and not too cramped or spread out, GJ 4.6/5
I generally don't like cops and robbers but this map really intrigues me. It looks nice and appears to play nice... you've got a download. Keep up the good forging
after i got the message asking me to check it out i saw the thread realized it was cops and robbers and i was like Meh not important...... Until i scrolled down. This is by far the best Cops and Robbers map in halo 3 to date. the interlocking and geo merging is excellent and the ideas you put in towards escaping the jail were also amazing. I will definately download this and attempt to get a group together. 5/5 for a excellent cops and robbers map
This is a fantastic Cops and Robbers map! The merging is flawless and the replay ability is excellent. The map looks aesthetically pleasing, and it plays very smoothly. And a lot of detail in the main post. 5/5 - Epic win