With 500+ downloads of Tunnel v3.2, I've decided to make a version 3.6 which has some updates to the geometry and weapon layout. I have also renamed the map to SLAC Tunnel to commemorate the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center located in Menlo Park, CA. SLAC is 2 mile long underground particle accelerator that somewhat resembles my map. The foundry version of SLAC Tunnel is an objective map which has two symmetrical bases separated by two tunnels with side passageways leading to a middle structure on top. The map is designed to be played with Multi-Flag and with 4-8 players but it is also set up for assault, king of the hill, oddball, and territories. The updates from Tunnel v3.2 include: 1.) Fixed blue base staircase to middle structure (more flat and sealed) 2.) Wider opening to the red base. 3.) Roof aligned in middle area. 4.) Outside geometry smoothed out. 5.) Added pillars underneath middle where sniper spawns (150 sec) and two plasma grenades (30 sec) spawn. 6.) Removed shotguns, replaced with maulers (90 sec) in the window wells in each base. 7.) One bubble shield in the middle (90 sec) instead of one in each base. 8.) Compatible with territories; includes 5 territories: one in each base by the main entrance, one by the foot of the stairs leading up to middle structure on each side, and one in the upper middle area. SLAC Tunnel The game variant designed specifically for this map: Tunnel Flag << Update 2/3/09 >> I just finished SLAC Conquest, which blocks off the lower tunnel so you can't flank the opposing team and the weapons are changed according to the rules of Conquest, there are also some cosmetic changes to the red base. It is designed to be played with Conquest v3. You can download the map here: SLAC Conquest Download Here
This map is very well forged thought out and all around great! As far as I know it is original and the use of the hallways is great. I would also like to comment on the very well Geo-merged wall corners they look perfect in that long hallway pic. I haven't got to test it with alot of people but even with 4 people it had great gameplay! 5/5
wow this map is just amazing... i would think u could edit this and make a v3.7 to have it as a conquest map im sure it would do well in the conquest forge-off and i hope i can DL and play this for myself 2moro i also like the idea of having a lower level so its not just a huge hallway like some maps r as of rite now i will give it a 5/5
Great job! 5/5 from me just because of the amazing layout i love how there is an upper and lower level..nice job!
wow i really love it everything is neatly merged and the a frame like ceiling is gorgeous! can't wait to play on it! 5/5! it also helps that i love small maps...
Well I have been here and witnessed every single version of this map and it is amazing how much it has changed. Great job Kevin, looking forward to playing the updated version. 5/5 because I have played this multiple times but just the before version. The only way that it could have is changed is for the best, not the worst. Right? The new cover for the sniper looks like it was a nice addition!
Ok dude, seriously, the map was good enough before this for a good rating. It's time to start a new map... Although, I like what you did with this update, but I don't feel I need to replace the last version with this one. It'll be a waste of DL space for me. However, I can safely rate this a 5/5, because I know how well this map plays and the changes from the last version aren't that big. But seriously dude, you're on version 3.6 already... START A NEW MAP! Please. Thank you.
I constantly update all my maps. The reason I replaced it was because the title of the other tunnel map was Tunnel << Version 3 >>, which doesn't confine to the rules of the forums. So I'd thought I would change the name to make it more unique and post the latest version at the same time. Most of the changes I make take hours and go by unnoticed. In order to move and object already merged requires you to re-brace it and realign it such that you don't get the flashy merged object look. It only took me 3 days to make the map, but 3 weeks to perfect it. Here's a link to the original Tunnel 3.0 Beta, you can compare the two and see that constant updates and testing make a difference. Anyways thank you, I'm glad you like my map. Lol, thank you Conkerkid. I'm glad you enjoy playing my maps. And yes, change for the best!
this map does look really good and looks like it will play really well but i do have to agree with master debayter you really need to start a new type of map i no you like sticking with this one because your previous ones have gotten 5/5 or 4/5 but thats good enough there is no point in continuing with this same map start a new one i look forward to seeing what you can come up with and when you do ill most likly dl that map because ive enjoyed all of your maps so far keep up the good work 5/5
I just did a quick forge through and I must say, this map is pretty special. It's amazing that you've managed to mirror the back hallway of foundry so accurately. I'll try to play a few games on this and post a review.
This looks really well thought out, and really well planned. Great job. I may download this, but I'm currently playing DIRT, so I won't be on Halo for a while. But, knowing me, I'll probably download it, if only for a Forgethrough. Still, great map. 4/5.
I really enjoy this map to where is it a long Hall, and that is a massacre in there, and getting about 5v5 cause my friends came in was awesome, and really fun. Great map, and great interlocking 5/5 -Zanitor
This is amzing. Everything is so perfectly aligned and built. I love it and I'm sure it's gameplay is fantastic though. The only thing I'm worried about is lack of cover. Otherwise, it's beautiful. Good job.
this is amazing! this map might make people feel a bit claustrophobic, but yet the forge skills and aesthetic touches just make this map look and feel amazing. nice job! 5/5
wow, this looks great, the design and layout of weapons, definetly downloading, looks like lots of fun. great job 5/5, keep up the map making
Obviously you put allot of time into it... however I must agree that it would be a good idea to start a new map. It plays well and looks well. Oh and I love that fusion coil wall =). Anyway keep up he good forging. 5/5
this is sweet map the update really is nt that important the other versions were okay thanks for the sweet map tho this looks like it would be good in the forge conquest off thing 4/5 im might D/L thanks for a sweet map that has like 5 versions
This map looks relatively different from what I'VE seen (not in a bad way) but.. if I could click download links I would definately download (my compooper is messed up big time). Gameplay SEEMs if'y, but people are wrong sometimes. ill give it a 4.75/5 if i could, but if not, a 5.