Okay guys this is my first map that i tried to interlock, i didn't do any geo merging as i have not yet mastered it and if i did it would have helped this map immensely. Weapons on map: 4 Battle Rifles 4 Carbines 2 Sniper Rifles 2 Needlers 1 Shotgun 6 Frag grenades 6 Plasma grenades and 1 Custom Power up set to MLG standards Edit agian haha: Game types: CTF "personal fav" Slayer Oddball KOTH Oddball might be messed up with spawns but idk why i set them accordingly to red and blue base and the neutral spots. The needlers are there for the fact that they seem to work okay against someone with Custom powerup they may not be standard MLG weaponry but they add a nice touch to the map. I tried to do this map in a noticeable style but in a way that a 2 base symmetrical map hadn't been done before. So now the pics. Red base: Red1: Blue base: Blue1: White walkway/base: Gold walkway/base: Middle: Note i know some of the fence walls protruding out of the boxes are not exactly the same but im learning i just lost patience with it when i was doing that, well this is my first map hope you all enjoy and please leave me some critiques on how to get better. Thanks Download: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=64191752 Edit: i didn't read the non equipment so technically this isn't an mlg map even though i meant it to be i guess i can just replace the equipment with grenades sorry for the inconvenience. OK fixed now there is no equipment
I don't believe that MLG maps have moveable objects either (barrels and crates etc). You should flip those bridges and, on the outer edges of the map, if they aren't, those boxes should be geomerged into the wall (the bottom, diagonal part). Those are just technical things to make the map better. Sorry that I can't comment on gameplay or anything like that. Also, don't take pictures in the forge. People don't like to see the spawns. Corruption needs to stop spamming.
okay yea that makes sense seeing as there is nothing like that on Amplified or Onslaught and as for geo merging im still learning so i didn't attempt it on this map but i will the next thanks =)
its okay.A little sloppy on geomerging but nothing horrible. The center piece could definetely use some work, one might refer to it as, bare? I give it a 3/5
in the middle struture it looks like there is only one bridge for one team does this mean that the team has an advantage
the maps layout looks very basic. It looks like a good map but i really comment anything gameplay-wise. I do know that this map has already been mentioned as not up to standards with the moveable objects, i'd like to add to that that MLG is not suppose to have fusion coils or any scenery that can explode.
Everything like dumpsters and all need to be geomerged, or held down by a weapon holder, and 2 Snipers seems weird for the map, but it was not horrible, nice map, the Weapon placement was pretty great though.
Okay, this has some uniqueness to this map, which is good. The unique part of it is were the bases are located. I haven't seen that yet (of course I haven't been in the MLG forums for a while). Now I'm somewhat questioning the weapon placement in the map. Two snipers? To make your post more attractive, don't take the pics in forge. No one likes that. Some of the structures are sort of random like the fencewall on top of the wall corners. When you learn how to geomerge better, do it. Also, I thought movable objects wer.n't aloud in MLG. I might be wrong. Good job though. Oh yah, welcome to forgehub!
Yeah, two is too many I think, I think a better mutual distance between sniper and bases would be efficient.
looks pretty good, the intrlocking is pretty good and the layout is great, ill DL, but it seems a liitle bit small. anyways about 4.5/5
i think its an ok map. your map shows u are good at forging, but i think you can show that more by filling in the empty spaces, because there are large open areas in this map. 3/5
i see now the snipers are kinda an overkill on the map, and next map i will get rid of all movable objects and only keep ones i need to add for that extra jump to get into and out of bases. There are 2 bridges on each left side of of red and blue base its very evenly spaced, i know the middle is bare lol best idea atm but the new middle feature i have on my next map is alot better. This map does however boast a 3 lvl arena atop all bases and top mid which makes it more fun. The open areas of the map are more for kill zones forcing players to risk it going for custom compared to using the side bases for their cover and play it safe there is 2 obstacles on both red and blue however that do provide cover and a vantage point/ jump opportunity to spice up gameplay, i play alot of MLG even weapon placement is a big issue for me so i tried to level it out the only thing is red base carbines and br's are more accesible compared to blue base, i am working on geo merging and hope my next map will be more neat some things in this map i did were sloppy i admit. If this map seems okay like most of you have said with the ratings i might go ahead and work on making it more even and a better center piece with better geo merging to create an well rounded MLG map. Also thanks for the critiques on the map i want to be a better forger i don't attempt modification of halo 3 like i did with halo 2 so i use this and hone my skills at it to maybe like alot of the forgers here hope to have their map featured for H3 XBL.
this is a okay mlg map im not a huge fan of mlg maps so i d say thst this is like a 3/5 in all the mlg maps iv seen 2 snipers is alot a good distance between the base would make sense i mght down load and take your picture in normal game play because people dont like forge pictures for some reason thanks tho
Too many weapons for a MLG map (imo). If an MLG map was a freakin' maze, BRs would be useless. There doesn't have to be something in every square inch of the map...
It seems like theres not many spawns at all. I would improve the center piece maybe, and build some nice non-moveable cover here and there, like dumpsters. Also there are many spots where you can get outside of the map, which is definetely something you need to fix. Try flipping the bridgeas leading to the center piece over to the brown side. Plus in many places I see there is bumps. Also MLG maps need to be completely symetrical on priority spawning bases horizonatilly.
Only moveable objects allowed are crates, dumpsters, and wire spools. While wire spools and crates need to be held down with either a weapon holder, reciever node or other immovable object. All other moveable objects should not be used. As far as snipers go, my map Unleashed has two snipers on it, however there is only eight shots in each instead of the usual 12. If the design of your map is capable of housing two snipers and it plays well, use it. If you don't know what Unleashed is, it is currently being tested by MLG for v6. This shows right here you can do stuff outside the norm if it plays right. Good luck on the fixes.
i know your map very well lol we play it constantly in custom yea i need to change the sniper to only hold 1 clip instead of the full clip. Im currently re doing the center piece to make it more unique i'll update later as i get geomerging down etc.
looks pretty good but I could definately help you with your forging. gamrtag- blahman777- anywayz 3/5