I am hoping for a long temporary ban if I don't recieve that, I still probably won't be too active. Off Topic/PPC was my reason for staying here, its gone now so I will be leaving. I would say move to Off Topic if you wanted to but I don't care. I wish the best to all of you, the staff, the community, and the entire world of Halo. I will be back... well have no certainty of that but anyways, if your really gonna miss me, hit me up on XBL <3 Kn1ghtBoy kthxbai
You'll be back I can almost guarantee it. I was gone for 2 months and came back so I am pretty sure you will. Best of luck out there good sir.
D: Oh noz! Forgehub won't be the samee .. And sorry about the Ban thing .. Good luck and i wish you well
if you ever read this, you should talk to me on skype or something.. im making a "halo 3 secrets" site.. maybe you would like that better? its no matter.. il see you later man. lots of love, -knight
i would just say "lol" but i think i'll get deeper into it. this is what you sound like "wahhhhh offtopic isn't the same anymore. wahhhh. wahhh. im leaving to make a statement." dude kn1ght, this is seriously ridiculous and immature. offtopic should have never existed in the first place, and this thread is a good example of why.
Oooooooooo Knightboy gotz pwneddd! xD But i kinda agree with him .. You shouldnt goo! They aren't going to change the forums just because you leave for a while ..
I'm sorry that it's going to be hard for you to type in some letters into the address bar and be at FH. Good luck on whatevers stopping you from doing so.
err yeah. I agree with Chuck. I was active in Off Topic for like a week and it was really random. I havent been there since god knows when so I dont think that you have a reason to quit Kn1ght.
Atleast im one of the lucky ones that will be with you alot on XBlive, but goodluck with whatever your doing, I only found out about this on Aim with boydy, im sure you come back for all the credit when our map is released. Its looking good. I see what chucks saying but offtopic wasn't all that good, it helped when i was bored but it isn't gone. I wont miss it when it is gone (if it does) but if thats how you feel. Hope to see you soon - DRiSCOLL
We will all miss you, Kn1ght. You'll have nowhere to wear my signature! *sadfaic* Well, see you on XBL.
Okay sorry if this is like considered a necro post or whatever but I think I needed to answer a few questions Ummm... I didn't say I was leaving because of that... I was just getting annoyed with all the with the Off Topic. I left because I needed a break from this site and because I no longer played Halo. Off Topic just fed the desire to leave. So yeah... I don't wanna engage some kind of argument because I think its just a misunderstanding. *cough* kiss ass *cough* Oh whoops sorry... I gotta bad cold. Ya know this weather. Its insane. Oh hang on I live in Florida.... But yeah same as written above. I didn't leave for just the Off Topic incident I love you too broski. Inorite?? Well that concludes my answering. But I am back for now... So ya. Lets get teh super l337 party started. I see some new loyals and premiums and I would like to congratulate them on their high achievements. But I would say its great to be back but I haven't really explored around too much yet. My subscribed threads thing is really long and obnoxious though..... Okay enough with my rambling. I'm back. Like it, good. it, deal with it. Kthxbai.