I like to get a linktacular cause whether you win or lose or you suck or rock you're gonna get a medal!...well just looking on the lighter side of things. Kilimanjaro sounds really cool when the announcer says it and my friends have this thing where when someone gets a double kill the recipient says "Double what?" and someone else says "Double kill".
Triple kill, sniper kill, killing spree. They sound cool once said and getting a headshot is satisfing as hell
Perfection, my boyfriend says it whenever I'm done having sex with him either that or Steaktacular, don't ask, its a role playing thing
Do you mean favorite medal to hear or favorite medal design? My favorite metal to hear announced, definately "Vehicular Manslaughter!" Favorite looking metal, probably Invincible.
overkill, killing frenzy, vehicular manslaughter, and open season all sound awesome when the announcer says them the coolest looking one has to be incineration or extermination the most satisfying one's are perfection and hail to the king (FTW!)
Laser kill medal, because the Spartan Laser is just that awesome. It's pretty rewarding to get multiple kills with one shot of a spartan laser since the bottom of your screen will start to flash with a bunch of medals, and you'll see a bunch of dead bodies!
Death from the grave no comments............... well, only when you do it with a frag......ahhh the fun.....=)
Hail to the king, purely for the badass tone in which the announcer says it. It makes me feel soooo awesome.