Dynamo Created by AZN FTW & Asper49 (special thanks to Tyrant Hacker) Randomized mini-maze; Made for gametypes with pre-determined weapons that don't need a specific layout. Preview: (Coming Soon from Asper49) Base: Foundry Forging 101: Randomization Supported Gametypes: Assault Capture the Flag Infection Juggernaut King of the Hill Oddball Territories VIP Custom Gametype(s) Speed SWAT Evil Dead Rockets N Nades Peasant Hunt In the Shadows Story: So how this began... after the phase of The Labyrinth, I wanted to make a real maze. One that could not be memorized... one that could not be predicted... one that forced improvisation of tactics over knowledge of layout. While thinking of ways to make things random, I stumbled across the runtime minimum, and asked myself "are the minimum objects chosen based off of spawn order... or something else?" And then I called to Asper49 and Betawaffle to aid me in my investigation. After much testing we discovered that by having a runtime minimum that was lower than the runtime maximum, the objects that are spawned were chosen through a randomized algorithm. SUCCESS!!! Description: Alright, so the second Return Gift of AZN FTW is now published. This ought to be a sight for even you crazed geo-merge folks. Don't let this map deceive you by its simplicity, there's a lot more to this map than meets the eye. What makes this map so different and special? It randomizes it's layout every round you play it. Don't believe me? Download it and check it out. So as for the actual map information. The overall layout is a cube that takes up about 2/3s of the open area of Foundry. This cube has bridges as walls and boxes as a roof. Within this cube there are 16 walls, 16 double walls, and 16 wall corners... each spaced apart by one barrier (with the barrier being deleted). This was the minimum amount of space needed for a spartan to walkthrough. The single walls are set to spawn 12 per round, double walls are set to 12 as well, and wall corners are set to 13. After 3 mins all 48 walls are spawned, increasing confusion. There used to be a spot next to the foundry walls that you could hide in... however, with Tyrant Hacker's help... it was blocked off with fence walls. I appreciate you Tyrant... lol... This map has no pre-fabricated gametype. It caters to any gametype with predetermined weapons and a gametype that doesn't require a specific layout. Good examples of this are Shotties, Swords, Rockets & Nades, SWAT, Infection, Peasant Hunt, Boxing, etc... come up with your own clever minigames and post here with what you come up with. This map is simple enough to show you the technique in action. Yes I could have done something more complex, but this is the first use of the technique so view this as a demonstration. Forging 101: [ YES ][ __ ]Floating Objects [ YES ][ __ ]Instant Respawn [ YES ][ __ ]Immovable Objects [ ___ ][ NO ]Timed Map Events [ YES ][ __ ]Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ][ NO ]Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ][ NO ]Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ][ NO ]Used Symmetry Option [ YES ][ __ ]Interlocking Objects [ YES ][ __ ]Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ][ NO ]Unlimited Budget Glitch Outside of Dynamo Sample layout without the roof 4 different rounds from the same location AZN FTW hunting on Speed SWAT Download Dynamo Download Speed SWAT Download Evil Dead Download Rockets N Nades
You brilliant, mad genius. How does this work? Queued up. Epicepicepic. Can't wait to give you my review. Edit: Just downloaded, and checked it out for myself. This is groundbreaking. The idea of having a randomized maze every time is a brilliant idea and will be useful in the future, I'm sure of it. And now, a player relies on his skill, rather than knowledge of the map. Absolutely brilliant.
Eppppiiccccc. Random mazes make for the best games, evur. Though I'm not sure I'd label it a minigame, maybe more casual. Def not competitive.
It enables ALOT of different mini-games, such as Rockets N Nades, Peasant Hunt, etc... there are few competitive/casual gametypes for it. It's really an anything goes map, so I put it in mini-games... I'm off to go write my Forging Theory article... "My Anti-Foundry"
Such an amazing yet simple idea to create a random maze... There's nothing better than seeing an AZN (& company) map, because I know the gameplay will be first class and so will be the originality. I'm definitely DLing the map and all games.
Wow, I didn't even know that something like this is possible. This is the REAL random terrain generator. I'll DL this and see how it plays. But, from the pictures, I can't help but feel concerned that there may be some rounds where the map might not have enough cover or just might be too open altogether (this may cause some rounds in mid game to go by rather quickly in gametypes such as Peasant Hunt).
I agree with Insane, it's more casual, but I've been waiting for a map like this for a long time, as well as trying to make my own. It has infinite durability/replayability, and I can imagine this becoming a new craze on TGIF's. I'm don't even know what to try first. Peasant hunt? Swat? I don't even care. AZN is at it again. BTW, could you make a guide on how to do this? When I tried it didn't work...
When you have, say, 5 walls on a map, and all of them are set not to spawn, you set the run time minimum to 2. Then, out of those five, two are selected at random to spawn. (Example)
I did that with 4 boxes, 2 minimum. It spawned the first 2 that I placed down every time, so I gave up.
Actually there is a little trick to it... I'll write a Suggestive Forging 101 on the technique... I have to write my Forging Theory article first...
Wow this is actually a really fun map to play with a group of people. At first i was like eh thats pretty cool. Now i realize this is extremley fun good map. 4.5/5.
A random terrain (maze) generator. That is amazing and unique. All my attempts to do this failed so congrats to you making this incredible map . Edit: After downloading and playing I can say this has found a permanent place on my hard drive.10/10
If you had it so that every object on the map spawned at the start, would the maze still be possible? If not, then I believe that there is a small chance that certain parts of the map would be blocked off entirely when the objects are randomly chosen. If that problem was fixed, good for you. Overall though, from how you describe it, this concept isn't new. Using min/max to make object spawns random is a pretty old idea. I congratulate you for actually posting a map that uses it as one of the main features. I also congratulate you on somehow getting a ton of attention on this map. How do you do it? PM ME? I wish any of my maps actually got this much attention, or at least people who know how to play Halo and won't be confused by the double boxes on Avalanche. : (
No I do not have it that way... however, if you build the map right then you don't have to worry about it being blocked off. For example, I layed down every wall before randomization with a barrier space in between each... that way, even if all the walls spawn then you won't get blocked off. Just plan ahead and things will be fine.
oh wow you could also have some walls laying horizontally and do that like so there could be 2 floors in someparts... woow, its like a cow having 4 babies and getting a hitman to kill 2 of them, and the hitman doesnt know which to kill,you know what i mean? ~different everyn time she kills em!
No I don't really know what you mean... but whatevs... And yes a two story version is possible... but the walls must be spread out. But with it being spread out to cover a decent area, it gets to be less like a maze.
ahh ur right but in some parts it might add to the epicness, like only have like ten scattered, or use bridges or something... actually it would look pretty cool if you lowered the whole height of the ceiling.it would make peasant hunt better
Very true, but the cieling needs to be their for other gametypes... like rockets and nades... however now the trick can be used for certain sections of maps. Like two houses across from each other with a two-story narrow maze garden as the only way of travel in between... would be fun. And think of the possibilities on other maps as well and other objects... including weapons, and mixing things up with symmetry options... the possibilities just increased for FH... I'm shocked no one found this while I was gone... I made most of this map last year in february... oh well, now you know... I will right that Forging 101 soon... still working on my Theory article...