Construction Site Alpha

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Master Debayter, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Construction Site Alpha (updated v2!)

    Construction Site Alpha (Æ)

    Updated Post For Version 2! (Same name has been kept in Downloadable files on

    Note: You need the gametype! Download Link.

    P.S. For those of you who never saw Beta yet, or want to, here's the link for that: Construction Site Beta

    To the friends that I showed this map to in the testing period, they said that this was my best map to date. I'll let you guys be the judge of that.

    So what is Construction Site Alpha?

    I know what some of you are wondering, Why isn't Alpha a casual infection game like Beta? Why is it a mini game?

    Well, it is still an infection game, but it has a twist, like most mini game maps. The point of this map is to RUN!!! RUN LIKE HELL!!!!1!!​

    Lol, but seriously, in this map the humans spawn a little ahead of the zombie and they have to run from the zombie for pretty much the whole game. It's really fun to play, and it's kind of scary. ​

    Think of it as a combination of Omega Journey and Peasant Hunt. You have to escape the energy sword-wielding zombies and follow an enclosed pathway to win (Omega Journey part) but there are no obsticles to destroy and the zombie is invulnerable (Peasant Hunt part). ​

    The map itself is a large maze complex, like Construction Site Beta. However, it's a one way trip through the level, and if you don't follow it at a constant pace you will die. So don't get distracted by my amazing aesthetics (lol).

    The Gametype

    I know you guys want to see this, because this is the heart and soul of this map's gameplay. You'll want to look at the traits first.​

    General Settings:
    • 10 Rounds​
    • 2 minutes per round​
    • 1 life per round​
    If you die in this game, you are eliminated. Please remember that.​

    Human Traits:

    • 100% Damage Resistance
    • 100% Damage Modifier​
    • 110% Speed​
    • 100% Gravity​
    • Starting Weapon: Magnum​
    • Infinite Ammo​
    • No forced color​
    • No vehicle use​
    • Weapon pickup enabled (for the very end)​
    Zombie Traits:
    • Damage Resistance: Invulnerable​
    • 100% Damage Modifier​
    • 110% Speed​
    • 100% Gravity​
    • Primary Weapon: Energy Sword​
    • Infinite Ammo​
    • Forced Color Black (Alpha), None (Regular zombies, not like it matters, they don't exist on this map)​
    • No vehicle use​
    • No weapon pickup​

    The Map

    The map itself is a work of art, one that if you truely wish to view you will download the map and see for yourselves. Also, this is my first map posted on forgehub where I geo-merged! This is proof that I can do it, and do it right.​

    I'll reveal the parts of the map that I have to, because if I reveal it all, you'll all know the pathway too well and the zombie may never catch you in actually gameplay. Learn the map from experience, it's better that way.​

    Back to the map.​

    Here's the zombie spawn (geo-merged back into the wall slightly):​


    The humans spawn right outside of the double boxes. ​

    For people who quit, rejoin, or join late or in mid-game; I gave them their own spawn point, inside geo-merged fence boxes next to an aesthetic scene.


    When actual players reach this fence box (above) inside the maze, they can see the aesthetic scene and taunt the trapped players inside the boxes. I'll get back to this part of the map later.​

    To make things easier, I divided the map into five main sections and identified them with powerups. You'll see all five of them as you progress through the map and I'll use these images to show the inside of the maze complex.​

    Section 1 (right after spawn area):​


    Section 2: ​


    Section 3 (hard/confusing section):​


    Somewhere in between sections 3 and 4, you'll go into the fence box I mentioned earlier. Here's a better view of that aesthetic scene:​


    Section 4:​

    Section 5:​


    Section 5 continues into the back hallway of foundry, where I've set a bit of a convoy.​

    Barrier jumping...​


    ...followed by scattered construction site materials.​


    After this hallway is cleared, you enter the final zone. Humans are trapped here for 30 seconds, and must either evade or assasinate the zombie to win. Good luck once you reach here.


    The grav lift pictured above can get you to 2 special places, one is hidden while the other isn't so obvious but can be easily seen in this picture.

    Now for some overview pictures, just so you get an idea of how much of foundry I used for the map.​

    Overview of side 1:​


    Overview of side 2:​


    Overview of final area:



    Version 2 Changes

    There's not many changes to the map, but I made the map a little longer by adding an extra room into the back hallway.
    (Lol, the crimson guy was a guest. He started staring at the merged fence box.)

    There's also a wall of A and B signs in the final room, so you can't escape now.

    Action Pictures

    Players come in all shapes and colors (I'm in the back left corner, the elite in front of me is my friend x great, and the blue and pink spartan next to me is my other friend x5uP3RkidD4nNyx).

    Stay together, follow behind me.

    Don't turn around and shoot. You will die that way, and so will Danny, lol.

    How NOT to assasinate the zombie in the final room:

    Look mom, I won a trophy!

    Download Links

    Map: Construction Æ
    Gametype: Construct Crü Æ

    Download and comment. I'm proud of this map and how much fun it is!​
    #1 Master Debayter, Dec 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2009
  2. atc cvhawley

    atc cvhawley Ancient
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    on your final area isnt so much of a base i suggerst putting wepons down maybe making it a bit more creative and maybe a bit more cover in the final area
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Looks good so far I am asuming its an infection map? I would have added a little more interlocking throhout the map though
    good job
  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    You're only in the final room for 30 seconds, so I couldn't put much into it. You have to remember, zombie is invulnerable and you can only assasinate him to kill him. I placed weapons that will help assasinate him, or knock him away.

    Everything in this map is slightly interlocked with another object except for the bridges used to cover the top of the maze complex. There's definately enough of that, everything is nice and neat, especially inside the map.

    And yes, it's an infection map for 4-16 players.
    #4 Master Debayter, Dec 4, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2008
  5. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I usually don't care for maze maps, but I liked peasant hunt that this isn't any normal maze map.

    Alpha looks really fun, and it is extremely well forged and inescapable, which is always good. I'm sorry that I can't criticize it, but I will download (and possibly suggest things later).

    I didn't see it anywhere in the post, so I ask you: is there only one zombie?
    I could probably infer that from your first picture though. If there is only one zombie, it seems that the game might become a little unfair to it, as the humans could presumably find and assassinate it once they know all of the pathways well.
    Also, if that turns out to be the case, I would suggest making a gametype for more advance players in which the zombie is faster or has enhanced radar to help it keep up with the players who know the game too well.
  6. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Glad to hear a review from you Sotha.

    Ok, to answer your questions. Yes, there is only one zombie. However, the pathways are small enough to eliminate all assisination attempts until the final area. I took that into account while I made this map. Second, he already has an enhanced radar, so he knows where the humans are for the most part.
  7. Elite1111111111

    Elite1111111111 Ancient
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    I like the map, but the time limit makes it hard for the zombie to kill anyone unless they run into a few walls or bump into each other, I played the gametype just to check it out myself, and since when I knew where I was going it took 30 secs, it seems like most people would only make it there with half the time. It's cool, but new players to it would have a hard time. 5/5
  8. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Well, in all of the play test of the map, the zombie has always managed to get at least 3 kills per round (unless assasinated by a guy who jumps over and behind him). The human in front (if still alive) usually reaches the final room with approximately 35 seconds remaining in the game. And it's not too hard to understand for noobs. I mean, it's just RUN!!! Lol. But seriously, you're just following a pathway here. The only part I see difficult for noobs is the 3rd section. People usually get confused in this part, and run backwards on accident.

    Thanks for the review though, I haven't gotten one in a while. =)
  9. YourFriend ASD

    YourFriend ASD Ancient
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    Great map looks really enjoy able.
  10. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    I love infection maps. This one especially because of the extra detail put into it.
  11. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I have updated the map and gametype for version 2. I recommend that you redownload both the map and gametype and delete the old versions. I didn't change of the name of the files on, but they are updated.
  12. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I'm not going to pretend I've played this, or even downloaded it, but I still have a suggestion none-the-less!

    From what I can gather (and this is only through reading the descriptions and looking at the gametype traits) it would appear as though the zombie is at quite an advantage, unfairly so I may be so bold as to say.

    It would appear as though, even if the humans make it to the end where the weapons are, they are still fairly screwed since it would still be very difficult to assiminate the zombie when they're essentially trapped in a small space.

    As I said, I haven't actually played it and I'm only making an assumption here. I could be wrong, maybe it's stupendusly easy for the humans once they make it to the end, but I doubt it.

    If the humans make it to the end they should be given a fighting chance to take out the zombie.

    So am I actually going to provide any helpful insight as to how this could be achieved? Yes.

    Rather than giving the zombie invinicibility, instead make it so that the humans have 0% damager modifiers (Defender Traits or Attacker Traits, I can't remember which). That way they can't hurt the zombie, just like before.

    Now at the end of the map have a custom powerup that allows them to damage again (You can put this at whatever you like, 10%, 50%, 100%, whatever)

    This gives you alot more flexibility to tweak that end room to give the perfect balance of fairness for the humans and the zombie.

    As I say, just a suggestion. I think I'll actually download this and check it out anyway.
  13. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Yes, it would appear that this was so, just from the discription and the pictures anyway. But honestly, if you have a good group of humans, you'll be able to get a fairly large group in the final room with the human advantage.

    Inside the final room, there is an energy sword, your main tool to assasinate the zombie with. There is also a radar jammer in the final room, along with two active camos (one actually, but the custom powerup has the same traits as the active camo). It's simple really, you only need three people max to kill the zombie. Have one human grab the sword and one of the active camos, have another human grab the other active camo, and have the third human grab and throw the radar jammer. The human who grabbed the radar jammer should act as bait to draw the zombie. The currently invisible human with the sword should try to assasinate him with the other invisible human near him as back up. Then the zombie is usually dead at this point, either from the human with the sword or the other invisible human.

    I think I'll post that guide to kill the zombie later on today. Glad to hear from you buddhacrane.

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