
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Killex, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. Killex

    Killex Ancient
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    Weapons on Map:
    1 Spartan Laser
    4 Battle Rifles
    1 Sword
    1 Mauler
    6 Spike Grenades
    6 Frag Grenades
    1 Power Drain
    1 Regenerater

    Blasphemous is my new map designed for CTF, Slayer, King of the Hill, and Oddball (it may also work with assault, but dont blame me if it is broken). The map itself comprises of a large circular room, the Arena, that connects with the rest of the map by use of either Teleporters (they work slight diffrently to the norm, so dont leave this map simply because you hate them, give them a chance), and hall ways. The style of play and way you move around the map is very fluid thanks to the quazi-figure-of-eight layout. But you don't really care what I have to say do you. You just want pics. So here they are:

    Corner of Hallway:
    This is a view of the hallway right after you enter it from the Arena area.

    The Arena:
    A view of the Arena.

    The Arena Again:

    Note the The Mancannons. The One on the wall stops you from jumping between the platforms that stick out onto the arena. The Cannon on the platform will launch you to the opposite platform on the other side of the arena.

    Tunnels under the Arena:
    This is the area visable through the fencewall floor in the previous screen shot.

    The Arena Yet Again:
    In the center of this view is the entrance to the back hallway visable in the first screenshot.

    Bottom of the Stairs:
    These are the stairs visable in the first screen shot. (I cant remember if the grenades visable spawn there or were droped in the game the screenshot was taken from)

    Top of Stairs:

    And this is where the stairs lead. The hallway you can see leads to the Mancannon on the platform mentioned earlier.

    Teleporter Guide:

    In this map, I have replaced the standard appearance of teleporters with a shielddoor up against a wall. Senders and Recievers can be diffrentiated between by whether or not there is a Gravlift behind the wall, blasting through. Senders do not have Gravlifts behind them, and Recievers obviously do.

    All Teleporter Senders in the Arena take you to the Recievers in the tunnels beneath the arena, and all Recievers are the destination of the Senders in the Tunnels. There are no Two Way Teleporters on this map.

    IMPORTANT!!!: You must enter into the Teleporters by facing the wall in-which they occupy. This is both a result of their construction and a design choice.


  2. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    the maps looks extremly fun, i like the pit with the ball inside will mancannons, great map. Ill have to give this a download.

    Ok the map is really fun, the interlockz is great, keep it up
  3. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    This is a great map, the interlocking is very smooth and I can tell it's well thought out.

    The ONLY thing i have to say, is that i don't like spike grenades X|

    haha but that's just me :)
  4. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    I like how in this map you balanced an almost wholly aesthetic structure, with gameplay and functionability in this map. As people above me have stated (cough spam cough), the interlocking leaves basically nothing to be desired, and the layout of the map is very original. Instead of just building a boring old arena, you built an arena, then an entire hallway/tunnel system around it. I can just see myself camping under that fence wall in the middle of the arena, shooting at unsuspecting bypassers! I also like how you took your pictures in an actually custom game, it makes the map seem more alive, in my opinion.
  5. x Paralyze x

    x Paralyze x Ancient
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    this looks like it should be on mlg matchmaking, its an astounding arena map, only thing i dont like is the spikes, but 5/5 from me.
  6. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    This is a very intersting unique kind of map,The hallways are very very neatly interlocked and very well balanced,One question,I still dont get the man cannons?,Why are they there?
  7. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    Wow, i REALLY like this map, a 2v2 battle would be intense to say the least.

    The forging is great, it really shows the effort and consideration you took in making this map. The stairs sideways is hot, i am seriously considering using it in one of my upcoming maps. The shield door teleporters is cool but i have seen it before but from what i can remember i don't think they had the gravity lifts behind he exiting ones(nice touch). I'm not sure how i feel about the raised floor in the main room but it's got a good look to it. Your use of fence walls in the halls add a more open feel to the enclosed areas which is great. My only fear is that the mauler room is going to be a camping spot that noobs will love to camp.

    The man cannons toss you to the opposing side which is a teleporter to the basement, there lies the sword and 2 more teleporters that send you back to the main room. It has a solid flow to it that should make any game played on it interesting.

    I take the time to review every map that passes through this site and until it gets replaced by the next upcoming wondermap this one is going to take up a little room in my tighly packed map arsenal.

    5/5 for you sir
  8. Killex

    Killex Ancient
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    The ones that point into the arena are there to prevent fools from jumping between the platforms. Were they not there, in a game of multiflag, I could grab the flag and jump to the other platform for a score in a matter of seconds. Also, they look better that my other plan of having fencewalls block the jumps.
  9. Insane au

    Insane au Ancient
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    Nice map Killex, keep up the good work.
    The man cannons seemed to me to be a very elegant solution.
  10. Killex

    Killex Ancient
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    May I please ask as to where this pit with ball is? I have been trying to work out what you mean by your comment and I am stumped.
  11. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    i like this map alot 5/5 im wonder what do the man cannons do ???
    this map is very good tho i like that its cirleir sorry i cant spell
    im going to D/L now keep makeing maps
  12. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Holy crap! I saw this being made many a month ago. Like waaaaaaaaay back. I don't know if you remember, I may have been Brute Captain then. But I am so glad to see this concluded at last. I have to say the inverted stairs, genius. The radial design, seemingly simple but not so. How long ago id you start this?
  13. Killex

    Killex Ancient
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    I must have started this about 6 months back, but about 2months into building I got pissed off at halo and quit for a while. I came back like a month ago and got this thing done, so now I can work on other things.
  14. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Yeah that sounds a bout right. I just was thinking about this a week ago and wondering what ever happened to it, and now I know.
  15. Killex

    Killex Ancient
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    Dont worry, this map is bad spelling proof. Also, the question about the man cannons was answered at the bottem of the last page.
  16. Killex

    Killex Ancient
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    Thanks, I like to think they were the best way to prevent cheating.
  17. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    This looks very clean, experienced interlocking. Great layout and it seems like it could be an mlg map too.
  18. xXthesilentnoobXx

    Senior Member

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    Holy crap. DL'd, and insanely good job.
  19. Booooooooone

    Booooooooone Ancient
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    I like the raised floors in the middle room and the man cannon to stop from people jumping over from platform to platform. from what i see 3/5 havent played on it yet tho
  20. Killex

    Killex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have thought about making this in MLG rule set, but decided the size and layout of the map was inappropriate for them.

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