What constitutes as animal cruelty to you? What do you think is proper care and treatment (ie. scolding, etc.) of your pets? What do you think repercussions of animal cruelty should be? Personally, I love animals. I'm a nature lover. My two cats are like my children, and I treat them as such. I scold them when need be, but never hit them. Believe me, a squirt bottle will do wonders to a cat who is doing something they shouldn't be. I spend quality time with them during the time I'm at home, like I would my children. I love them, and they love me. I believe people who are cruel to their animals should be severely (of course, depending on the level of the offense) punished. Animals are not as smart as we are. Deliberately hurting a human comes with knowing that the human will probably take negative action in return. Hurt an animal, and while it may defend itself, often times it will still love you, because they know who their caretakers are. If the caretaker goes bad, though, they don't know what to do, where a human knows to either get out or strike back. Personally, I would probably kill someone who hurt, killed, or took my cats. Call me crazy, but as I said, they're like my children. Thoughts?
i too love animals. they are playful and generally well behaved. (not lions, maybe). on the views of animal cruelty, well one may argue that some deserve a punishment, or 2, or 3. if a cat comes up to me and it is annoying then i will stroke it but if it scratches me harshly, well it gonna have a sore paw the next day. for me things need to be taught a lesson to obey. if cruelty is in order then hell yes! however i disagree on cruelty for no reason. for example dogs bred by people to fight and kill other dogs. well thats harsh. ive seen the cuts and dismembermenting blah blah blah results of this. blood everywhere! come on. cruelty to animals is a no no.
I think people who mis treat animals shoudl have the same sentence as if they were treating a human like that. People who mis treat animal disgust me. Sometimes, when its on the news, i just think the people who do such things should be killed, the sick bastards. Perhaps this ties in with the 'Hunting' thread, also?
I tend to define animal cruelty as the unnecessary infliction on pain on an animal, either for pleasure or because one is terrible with other living creatures. This philosophy, however, does not make me a vegetarian. I would not harm a puppy or want to see a domesticated animal killed or harmed because that is not the reason we adopt them and buy them. People who injure their house pets to points that are completely past classical conditioning deserve to be relieved of said animals. As for farm animals and other animals that we consume? The animals a society eats and the animals that it domesticates are completely arbitrary. Farm animals are raised to be eaten. People don't go out of their way to cause extra harm to them. Turkey's raised for food actually live out a pretty sweet life. A lobster's nervous system is so primitive that you could cut it in half and it would not notice. I love meat. That doesn't mean that I slay "cute" animals (cute also being arbitrary here... why the hell should a panda be placed under protection when there are plenty more useful animals out there that are endangered?). I just don't want people going out of their way to hurt animals. Some people are just raised that way. Mike Vick grew up in an environment that thought nothing of dog fighting. Is it wrong? That depends on who you ask the question to (yes). But he didn't know any better. He should be punished, but the constitution does not equate a dog's life to a human one. What if I told you that there was a society where a flies life is equated to a human life? Would you want to do life in prison for killing a fly?
i agree wit u. but i consider best freinds not children. i remember the day my dog passed away for reasons im not getting into. that day i went on a rampage and "blindly" beat the crap out of the people who were responsible.
We used to live with this guy who would grab his cat by the arms and spin it in circles. Seemed like the cat didn't like it... lol I also accidently broke my hampster's legs by rolling him off a desk while he was in his ball, but that's another story. I think animal cruelty is wrong, and anytime I do hurt an animal. It is on accident.
Petty things like hitting your dog when it bites you aren't cruel, but for some reason, people are getting on at me because at Christmas time we out a santa costume on our dog. She never tried to take it off, so how is it cruel me putting it on her? It's like saying that by making her wear a collar I'm cruel. There is a line between cruelty and... not cruelty, for lack of a better phrase.
Animal cruelty is ****ing disgusting, straight up if you abuse and animal you should get beat. If you abuse animals you are a sick *****, nuff said. I don't have any pets but i love dogs and if i saw someone hurt one unless they were being attacked, i would beat there ass.